Chapter 7: Idiot exposed & The suspect

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   The students around Tom ducked their heads as the Quidditch players came soaring from above them. They cheered as the game went on, the quaffle an the three bludgers moved far quicker than the eyes could track. 

   'Come on Slytherin!' they called from all around him -- so much green and silver on display, that the crowd practically blended together. Indeed it did so for the other houses; blend of blue, red, and yellow all separate from one another. 

   Tom nodded at Draco, as the boy cheered to the clapping Slytherin stands, entirely ignorant of what flew right next to his head; the golden snitch. The boy would've told Draco, had it not been a hilarious sight to see.

   No -- Tom was more than happy to throw the entire game, just to elongate this moment. Somehow none of his fellow Slytherins had noticed it, however, so allowed for Draco to continue to goad, atop his new broom.

   It was no surprise to Tom that Draco had bought his way in to the team -- he'd even offered Tom a place on the team, but the boy knew his strengths did not lie in quidditch, so what was the point of spending time on it? 

    However, all good things must come to an end, and most unfortunately it was such in this case too. Draco's face turned as red as vampire's blood, as Harry darted for the snitch right next to his head. 

   Instantly the two dived for the golden snitch, as the crowds cheered them along. Tom remained quiet, but he had no worry nor doubt; as much as he loved his house, Harry would win over Draco any day of the week.

   Tom took his binoculars to his eyes, focussing on the two. What was most peculiar, was that the bludger -- having not been hit at all -- was chasing after the two boys during their race for the snitch, as if by command.

   He looked toward the Gryffindor stand, and seemingly Hermione and Ron had gotten the same idea too, already gearing up to intervene. How they planned on doing so, Tom hadn't a clue.

   Yet some sort of plan was certainly needed, as by this point the bludger had been chasing Harry and Draco, as they in turn chased after the snitch, for minutes. The quidditch game had practically come to a standstill as the players and onlookers alike sought to see what was happening.

   As the two dived down under the stadium almost, the crowd's breath was hitched. Tom clutched his wand at the ready. 

   Harry rose from the stadium too, and Draco came out as well, only he had stumbled onto the grass of the pitch, coughing.

   'You're joking!' the Slytherins around him complained.

   Tom ignored their whinging, once again noticing something they hadn't; the bludger remained on it's persistence of Harry. 

    The boy at this point had risen from the stands, making his way down the stairs. He could hear the crowd's winces, shouts, and reactions get ever-more electrified, prompting Tom to move quicker.

   Soon back on the ground, the boy hopped the fence and walked over the thin beams onto the pitch. Peering around the corner, the crowd shouted, the commentator Lee Jordan bellowed 'you cheat! you filthy cheat!'.

   Harry was sent whirling down, Tom rushed but it was too late -- Harry had fallen to the ground. The bluder dived after him, as Harry rushed back, avoiding the rouge bludger.

   'Bombarda!' Tom shouted, exploding the ball into little bits of leather. Much of the crowd rushed to the boy's side. Tom layed back, entering the crowd as it parted; only then, however, id he realise why it had done so. 

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