Chapter 6: In the Library she trusts

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chapters will now come at least every 2 weeks. Exams are looming and ever-present, hence every 2 weeks new chapters will come. I look forward to continuing this book with you!


    Such a talent which Tom, since the start of his and Dumbledore's Thursday sessions for this year, has been meaning to conquer. It was a difficult skill, especially with the likes of Dumbledore teaching him. At the rate of his usual learning, it was rather frustrating. 

   However, what annoyed Tom more was gossip -- especially the sort which had his name attached to it. Such a thing had risen ever since the incident of Filch's cat, as the entire school seemed to be engaging in rumours concerning who did it and why. Yet, most of all, they spoke amongst themselves the conspiracy surrounding the chamber of secrets. 

   And as always, it was Hermione which formed the vocal spearhead; it was within Professor Binns' usual sparkless lessons, which Hermione chose to act. 

    'Sir?' she called. The old codger didn't take much notice. Tom, sensing the opportunity to upstage her, put his hand up too.

    'Professor Binns, sir? I was wondering if you could answer a question of mine?' Tom asked. Yet to not avail, making Hermione look rather smug.

 'Sir?' Tom called once again, a little louder. The Professor, who himself was even asleep, snapped awake, looking around. He seemed rather confused; it must've been rare for his students to be engaged enough to ask questions. 

   'Yes, of course Mr....?'

   'Riddle, sir' Tom replied. 

   'You may, Mr Riddle'. Tom turned to Hermione, whose smugness seemed to have gone. How fantastic it felt to have one-upped her. 

   'can you tell us about the Chamber of secrets. sir?' Tom asked.

   Binns glowered; 'Mr...'

   'Riddle, sir'

   'Mr Riddle, my subject is the history of magic; I deal with facts, not myths'

  Professor Binns shook his head, readying himself to continue. Yet, by this point, the other students in the class had woken from their slumber, their heads coming off of their desks -- intrigued about knowing more about the chamber of secrets. Having noticed this, Professor Binns looked around, and sighed.

    'Yes...well...let me see you know, Hogwarts was founded by the greatest 4 wizards and witches of their age: Helga Hufflepuff, Rowena Ravenclaw, Godric Gryffindor...and Salazar Slytherin. They once co-ruled the school in peace, until Slytherin fell into disagreement with the other 3 founders upon whether or not Hogwarts should be more...selective about who they let into the school as students'. 

    Hermione, looking rather dejected, spoke out; 'on the basis of blood purity, sir? 'she asked.

   Binns nodded gravely, and continued; 'legend has it that, when Slytherin decided to leave the school, he made a secret chamber within Hogwarts containing a beast -- which, by the help of his true heir, would rid the school of any muggle-borns which, in Slytherin's point of view, were unfit to be a Hogwarts'.

   The class, perhaps for the first time in Binns' career, were glued to his every word. He cleared his throat continuing; 'but this is all just a myth. The school has been searched multiple times, and no trace of evidence --'

Hermione raised her hand, interrupting Binns; 'but sir' she began

'Yes, Ms....'

'Granger, sir. Hermione Granger' she answered.

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