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685 words. Dude above Rose

Blue's POV

"Dude," Rose, my friend here, yelled. "Boss wants to see us."

"I'm coming," I yelled, jogging over to him.

I knew Rose wasn't his real name. None of us used our real names here. It was just policy. 

Rose had brown hair and eyes, along with a short beard. He was tall, a bit over 6'0 foot.His face was a permanent scowl and even if he didn't look it, he was a chatter-box.

Pretty soon we arrived at Boss's door and Rose knocked on it. 

"Come in," a gruff voice responded.

Rose opened the door and we walked inside. "There you boys are."

"Hiya Boss," Rose said happily. I just nodded.

Boss chuckled. "Hi Rose. Hello Blue."

I tilted my head to him. Talking wasn't my thing unless I was taunting somebody.

"I wanted to talk to you about-"

Before he could finish, we heard gunshots. And screams.

Boss, Rose, and I ran out of his office to see all of our members dead except Phil who was running towards us.

"Invasion!" He screamed. "It's some government officials! Boss they gotta lotta guns! We can't fight them!"

He ran over to us and stood by us, as men in bullet-proof vests with huge ass guns surrounded us.

"We are S.H.E.I.L.D. Come with us peacefully," A man with an eye patch yelled.

"I'm not going anywhere. Blue!" Boss yelled. I knew exactly what I was supposed to do.

It was a policy. If someone didn't want to go to jail then they'd ask someone to stab them. I was Boss's most ruthless killer and he knew that I'd have no hesitation in killing him.

I leaped towards him and sunk my knife that was behind my back into him skull, then yanked it out. Blood sprayed everywhere, and coated my face and hands. Boss's body thumped to the floor and blood poured out of the wound I had created. Phil and Rose flinched as Boss's face grew pale.

"DROP THE KNIFE!" Eye patch yelled, pointing his gun at me. 

I snarled loudly.

"That might not be a good idea," Rose chirped. "He really likes that knife. His mama gave it to him before she died. I'll give it to you if you promise to keep it safe for him."

I snapped my head towards him and growled. 

Rose slapped the back of my head, causing me to growl louder. "Shut up you fucking attack dog. It's either give him your knife, or drop it on the floor."

I snarled a bit longer then sighed. I wasn't going to let my precious knife get dirty. I handed my knife carefully to Rose and he calmly walked over to Eye patch and handed him the knife. "

"Be careful with it," he warned. "If you hurt Blue's knife he's gonna gut you like a fish."

Rose skipped back to me and I kept my eyes on my knife. Eye patch cleaned the knife and put it in his pocket. I stared at his pocket.

"Is your friend going to keep staring?" Eye patch asked.

I felt Rose shrug. "You have his knife."

"I need you men to come with us."

"Why? You killed all Phil and my friends."

"What about the man you call Blue? Aren't they his friends too?"

Phil chuckled. "Blue's only friends are Rose and that knife. He just plays nice with us cause he likes Rose."

"What about you?"

"I'm Rose's friend."

He's not wrong.

"I need you to come with us because you are the most dangerous gang in America. We also have information that a major killer called 'the Ghost' is here in this gang. We were assuming it was the man that 'Blue' just stabbed."

I heard Rose and Phil laugh. 

"Did you hear that Blue?" Phil asked. "He thinks Boss is the Ghost!"

I nodded, still fixated on the pocket my knife was in.

"So your Boss wasn't  the Ghost?"

"Fuck no!" Rose laughed.

"Who is then?"

"I ain't tellin you, man."

"Yeah, not a single soul will. The Ghost'd gut us," Phil said helpfully.

"Yeah, man," Rose said again. "I like my life."

"Me too," Phil chimed in.

"Then you're going to have to come with us."

"Nope," Rose said. popping the 'p'. "Blue," he said, turning towards me. "Go get your knife back."

I smiled. 

My Knife.

Gangster meets AvengersWhere stories live. Discover now