Chapter 21

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 *Marie’s POV*

My eyes were red from crying, but I was all dried out.

Attention passengers; we are arriving to Los Angeles, we are descending in just a few moments.”

The seatbelt light went off and I obediently clicked on my seatbelt. We landed in the familiar LAX in a matter of 30 minutes. It was already noon. I grabbed my suitcase and walked out to the front where I hear the familiar squeal of my best friend.

“MARIIII!” I turn to see her running over to me.

“JANEE!!” we hug as I start to tear up again.

“Let’s go home.” She says. I grab my bag and we head to the car. The drive was anything but quiet. Jane and I talked about everything. Well, except for any questions with Niall. We drove down the coast to Malibu. Our lovely apartment was just a few blocks from the beach. I open the window to take in the salty sea air. I missed it so much. Just then, a familiar song blasted through the radio.

Your insecure, don’t know what for…

Jane immediately turns off the stereo of the old car. My eyes swelled up with tears. I might not have been his part. But it still reminded me of him. We drove along the coast until we reached a small, blue townhouse. I can see my room clearly. It has the only window facing towards the beach.

I grab my bags out of the trunk and head out to our quiet little house. I grab my keys out of my purse and open the door.

“SURPRISE!!” I scream in fright back at the 8 people that crowded my living room.

“Oh my god. You guys scared the crap out of me!” I laughed, clutching my chest. Our friends from high school where all here.

We got caught up with everything from what happened after we graduated and what I went through in England. They wanted FULL details.

“Wow that’s heavy…” says Sammy

“Don’t forget insane.” Commented Briana

“I didn’t know you could drink that much!” says James

“Is there any more popcorn?” asks Kevin

“Wow so you almost got raped?!?” yells Marcus. Wilma slaps his arm.

“Rude much??” she whispers harshly. I laugh at them as they fought. Since Marcus and I broke up in the 9th grade, these guys, all 8 of them, have been my best friends since. Sounds weird but that’s how it’s been.

“Yea, I can’t believe you’re more interested in that than me dating Niall Horan.”

“WHAT?” four girls yell.

“Oh yea, I haven’t gotten to that part yet.” I sighed.

“Wait but why are you here and not over there?” asks Nicki.

“Well, he got the wrong idea when Harry kissed me. And we fought and I don’t know, I just couldn’t take it. I left.” I couldn’t look up at them. They all then jump on me and give me a bear hug.

“AWWWWW!” they all say.

“Don’t worry, its gunna be ok.” Says Jane.

Around midnight everyone headed home. Thank god the 10 of us decided to go to move to Malibu just because we love the beach so much. Me and Jane cleaned up some of the mess and went to bed. I knocked out in an instant.


I ran through the abandoned city streets. The streets light flickered. All the stores seemed abandoned as well.

“Mariee.” The words rang though the air. My heart felt like they were going to break through my ribs.

I was exhausted but I kept on running. The street felt like it kept on going, with no end.

 I found a dark alleyway and hid in the shadows.

“You can’t hide Mariee.” I could hear him walking towards me. They got louder every passing second. The footsteps then ceased. My heart felt like it was about to burst. I turn my head slowly around the corner.



I woke up screaming my head off. I was covered in sweat.

“Oh my god Marie are you ok?!?” Jane yells as she bursts into the room. It was dawn. The sunlight seeped through the window. But I was all but peaceful.

“Yea… I’m fine… Just a nightmare… just a… nightmare…” I panted. My heart was racing.

“Alright. I can’t sleep anymore, I’ll make breakfast.” Groaned Jane.

“Ok.” I get up and take a shower. I let the warm water take away my troubles. When I get out I hear Jane and… someone else? I run quickly into my room and I scavenge through my closet and put on a pair of shorts and a loose tee and ran into the kitchen. Jane is stirring something inside a bowl. Across from her was a guy. But not just any guy. He turns and gives a smile.


I know this is soooooooo late but i realised that this chapter was incomplete :( 

hope you all can forgive me :#

Summer Love- One Direction


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