Chapter 17

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Blooppp :P

Just so i can take up space

OHHHHHH shout out to countrygirl8986! Her book Frozen Fire is AMAZING!

That's it :3 


We all decided to go to bed early that night. I said goodbye to the girls as the decided to carpool back home, (even though the guys were upset, especially Louis) and I headed upstairs. I get changed quickly and flop down onto the bed.

“Oh how I missed you bed!” I say muffled into my pillow. I hear a laugh at the door. I turn and see Niall leaning on the doorway. I sat down and gave him a smile as he walked over and sat next to me on the bed.

“So… you chose me huh?” he said, giving me a cheeky smile. I laugh and push him.

“Yea… but if you act that way I can always chose Harry instead.” His smile drops, but I laugh and brush my lips against his. He grabs my waist and pulls me in as our lips crashed into each other’s. We break apart, our foreheads against one another’s.


“So… does this mean we’re official now?” I give him a cheeky smile as I stare into give beautiful blue eyes.

“I don’t know, I might have to talk to Harry about it.” He laughs. I giggle as I peck him on the lips.

“I’ll just take that as a yes.” He smiles and pecks my lips one last time before he stands up.

“Well, you have to get some rest. Goodnight babe.” He starts to walk out before I stop him.

“Waiiiittt don’t goo!” I whined. He turns around and chuckles. But my face stays serious. He notices and his smile drops.

“Babe what’s wrong?” He asks he sits back down next to me.

“I… get… so many nightmares… please stay…” I whispered.

“Of course I’ll stay.” His smile made my stomach get butterflies. He lays down next to me and pulls close to his body. He looks into my eyes with a smile. I smile back as I felt my eye lids grow heavy. The last thing I remember is the feeling of him kissing my forehead. I didn’t have a single nightmare through the whole night.


“Awwwww their sooo cute!”

“Shhh you’ll wake them!”

“But they look so adorable!”

“They are naming their kid after me…!”

“Shhhhhhh Lou how on earth do you know they… did…it?!”

“Because I do… Louis knows all…”

“Shhhh both of you, you’ll wake them!”

My eyes fluttered open as I see four pairs of eyes looking at me. I shrieked, causing Niall’s head to shoot up in surprise.

“What, who, what?!?!” He yells. Naomi, Liam, Louis, and Zayn are now on the floor, laughing. I rub my eyes and try to push my extremely tangled hair back. Niall just groans and puts his face back onto the pillow.

“What the hell guys?” I groaned.

“You guys are soooooooo cute!!!” squeals Naomi. I couldn’t help but smile.

“You guys have to name your baby after me!” says Lou, wiggling his eyebrows. I just laugh.

“Lou there is no possible way I’m pregnant. Or naming my kid after you.”

“No! It must be done!” He yells. I just laugh because this is the most serious thing I have ever heard come out of his mouth.

“Naomi what are you doing here?” I asked cheerily, and sadly, fully awake.

“I came to see you dummy! You have NO idea how worried me and Missy were!

“I’m just glad it’s finally all over…” I rub my forehead.

“Well WE…” she grabs Zayn and Louis by the wrists.

“Are going to leave you guys alone now. C’mon Liam!” Liam laughs as the boys try to fight her back and they slam the door shut. I giggle as I hug Niall.

“Good morning Sunshine!” I whispered into his ear. He turns around and smiles.

“Good morning beautiful.” He moves a strand of hair out of my face and kisses me.

“Hey Niall we have to go to the thing….” Harry walks in the door and stops dead in his tracks. We stare at him and he smirks at us.

“You know Lou will have your baby named after him.” The boys laugh and I throw a pillow at Harry. He laughs and shuts the door.

“Babe I have to go…” he says in a sad tone.

“Awww.” I give him a puppy dog face. He smiles as he kisses me once again.

“Don’t worry, we won’t take long.” He pulls off the covers and walks out the door. I get up and walk to the bathroom. But one of the boys already beat me there.

“I love you like a love song baaabbyyyyyyy!” Sings … well more like screeches Zayn over the shower. I bang on the door until I got him to stop.

“Zayn hurry up! You’re going to waste all the hot water!” I yelled.

“Shower in your boyfriend’s room!” He yells back. I giggle at the thought of that. My boyfriend.

“Fine!” I walked into his room where he was already changed and with a toothbrush in his mouth.

“Babe! What’s wrong?”

“Nothing can I use your shower? Zayn is using the one across my room.” He chuckles.

“Is he singing?”

“Yup.” I giggled

“Yea… it’s going to take him a while.” I giggle even more as I walk into the bathroom and start to peel off my clothes.

“Babe do you need…” I was just in my bra and panties when he walked in with a towel. His face gets chrisom red, as well as mine.

“Uhhh… do you like what you see?” I joked. It made him laugh nervously which immediately turned into a short cough. I giggle, still red by the way, and grab the towel. I kiss his cheek and push him out the door.

*Harry’s POV*

After I went to wake up Niall, I just went straight to bed. It kills me seeing Marie so happy with Niall. I should have been with her, not HIM. But I had to accept the fact that there is no chance I will be with her…


Unless I do something about it…


Do you really think the drama was over? :3 I'll try writting more over spring break!

Love you guys \^.^/

~Jen :D 

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