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"What's up with you? You've been so distant recently!" Vergoux smacked him on the shoulder, making him snap out of his trance.

The two boys were walking together to first period. Dupin had caught a cold, so he was excluded from the conversation.

Joseph contemplated speaking about Y/n. What if he reported back to his best friend? Before he could doubt himself again, the words came out of his mouth.

"I like Y/n." He quickly blurted out, looking wide eyed at Vergoux.

He couldn't keep it a secret anymore. The guilt that Joseph felt was weighing on him.

Charles looked back at him with a faked frightened look that eventually broke into laughter. "Did you think you were hiding it well? It was so obvious!"

Joseph's ears turned bright red as he pushed away from the boy.

"How'd you know? I didn't say anything to anyone!" He sputtered as Vergoux attempted to tone down his laughter.

"I see the way you look at her, only an idiot wouldn't notice it." If only an idiot wouldn't notice, Dupin must've been oblivious to everything around him.

"It feels wrong, Jean likes her too!" His friend rolled his eyes at the statement.

"He falls in 'love' every week. He'll get over her if she doesn't reciprocate." Vergoux shrugged his shoulders as the two continued up the grand staircase.

"He seems serious this time!" Joseph exclaimed as the two were about to split up.

"Don't worry about it!" Vergoux yelled back at him before going into the direction of his first period class.

Joseph sighed heavily, processing the fact that he had to go to Mrs. Giraud's class. He hated the class even though his grades were alright.

He made sure to rush to class since the teacher hated any type of tardiness. She didn't care about valid excuses and would give out detentions like candy.

Joseph slid open the door, perfectly on time. Mrs. Giraud stared him down ominously before shifting her attention back to the class.

"Class, pay attention!" She slammed a ruler onto the chalkboard, causing students to look back at her. Once she called their attention, she began to speak.

"I will be assigning you group projects based on European historical events. I will choose who will be partnered up." The class groaned in unison at the thought of having randomized partners.

"Michèle and Simone, you are together." The two girls smiled widely at each other, clearly relieved that they had each other.

"Henri and..." Mrs. Giraud contemplated his partner for a few moments. "Annick." Pichon's face dropped while Annick stayed perfectly content.

"Alain and Daniel." Laubrac and Applebaum didn't mind each other, so there was no issue.

The teacher continued on while Y/n and Joseph zoned out until they heard their names.

She snapped out of her daydream when she heard her name being announced. "Y/n and Jean."

Joseph's face dropped as he tried to hide any disappointment on his face. He felt jealous that Dupin was able to have her as a partner.

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