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It had been a few weeks since Joseph had confessed. Nothing was official, but they felt the same about each other. The two ran around together secretly whenever they were near other students.

Y/n twirled around her pen but suddenly lost grip, accidentally dropping it on the floor. The pen had rolled near Joseph's desk, landing in front of his foot.

He smirked as it hit his foot, happy to get her attention. He picked up the pen and attempted to hand it to her.

As he was handing it, his hand lingered for a few seconds longer. He held onto it just so he could tease her.

A look of surprise crossed her face as she smiled. Being with him felt like fireworks.

It was always the small things, like grabbing the other's food tray, handing back a dropped pen, and more that kept the attraction alive. They would walk each other to and from school and split when they saw others coming.

They didn't want to cause any conflict, especially since their friends would cause issues if they figured it out.

"Y/n looks good today. The way that dress was hugging her-" Joseph covered Dupin's mouth with annoyance. The two had been walking from science class, and he refused to hear his remarks about her.

Dupin still didn't know the two liked each other, and Joseph wasn't sure if he wanted to burst his bubble.

Besides, sometimes it felt like Dupin only liked her for her looks. He never mentioned anything about her personality. Joseph was annoyed that he even dared to speak about her in that manner.

Joseph acted like he disliked Y/n, even though he had made his move. He knew he hadn't been fully honest, and he was feeling guilty.

While she saw him as a changed person, he still had more to work on.

He still spited Michèle, Simone, and Jean-Pierre. He felt that he didn't owe them anything. He refused to allow them to be happy after punching out his eye.

The only reason he would ever apologize was because of her. He wanted her to have friends and support.

He hadn't changed his attitude internally as much as he made her believe.

"You should find another girl to like, she's nothing special." He spoke casually as Dupin's mouth hung open. Joseph hated the idea of anyone else with her.

"Joseph, I know you don't like Y/n, but I think I have feelings for her. I've never felt like this before!" This is what Joseph feared the most. He didn't want to give up on her, but his friendship meant the world to him.

It pained him to realize that he couldn't choose both. He really liked her, but this was his friend of more than ten years.

"Why do you like her? Out of everyone?" He knew the answer to the question already. There wasn't a thing that you wouldn't love about her.

Y/n was a ray of sunlight on a gloomy day. You could confide in her for anything, and her laugh would linger in your mind for days on end.

Her voice kept Joseph up and going, whether they were walking next to each other or miles apart.

Joseph didn't understand why he had to like Y/n. Couldn't he have liked any other transfer? It would make it a lot easier.

He just wanted to understand why Dupin liked her. Joseph would only be willing to give her up if he could treat her better.

He held his breath as Dupin cleared his thoughts up. "She's a beautiful person, inside and out. I've never met anyone as genuine as her, and I want to take my chance with her." He spoke passionately, and Joseph realized that he couldn't stop his best friend from being with her.

The look in his eyes reminded Joseph of when he first realized he liked Y/n.

Joseph swallowed down his emotions, putting on a forced grin. "Sounds like you really like her. Do you plan on telling her?" Something toxic inside of him wanted to discourage Dupin, but he knew he couldn't betray him like that.

"Yeah, I was thinking I could ask her after school tomorrow." He spoke proudly as they finally arrived at the cafeteria.

A group of girls entered as well with Y/n amongst the crowd. She smiled at him while he gazed back at her.

The groups made their way to the lunch area, grabbing trays. She had managed to get behind him, and he instinctively handed her a tray.

Their hands brushed against each other, lingering for a few seconds. Joseph suddenly removed his hand, realizing he was next to Dupin.

Joseph didn't notice at first, but the expression on Dupin's face changed. Why would he hand anything to her if he hated her?

Dupin attempted to brush it off and continue to get his lunch. There was no way that his stubborn best friend had forgiven her.

The two had sat down with Vergoux and some of his friends, not finding any other empty seats. Joseph didn't mind sitting with them as long as their mouths were shut.

Joseph became deep in thought as the others spoke, occasionally lifting his head up to act like he was listening.

He couldn't stop thinking about what he would say to Y/n. How could he break up with her before they were even together?

He glanced over at her with a conflicted look spread on his face. Now wasn't the time to admire her, but he couldn't help himself.

From head to toe, she was perfect. She had stunning features that graced her with facial harmony, her body in every way was beautiful, and her mind was one of a kind.

He felt like she was far too good for him, and he didn't deserve to have her. Maybe she would be happier with his best friend.

She wouldn't have to hide her feelings like she had to with him. Y/n could live her life without him in the mix.

As he looked at her, she looked back. An infectious smile made its way onto her face as she waved at him.

He knew what he had to do for the best of them. He rolled his eyes and looked away from her.

Dupin had assumed she was waving at him and proceeded to happily wave back.

This was the best option. He shouldn't have been sneaking off with the girl that his best friend liked anyway.

He felt she deserved to be praised and respected in public, not in private as some secret. She would get that with Dupin.

He had made his decision and decided to stick with it.

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