Chapter 32

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I scan into the parking and go down to where Max's other cars are parked. I pull into the spot and turn to Taryn. I find her looking at the car parked next to her. "It's Max's" I say to her and she looks at me. "Really?" She asks. "Yes, all of the cars parked here are." I say seriously. "Wow Anna, this is incredible." She says getting out of the car and looking at the other cars. I also get out and grab my shopping. "Anna you did good, like really good." Taryn says. "Yeah but I don't care about his cars. I did good because he's an amazing guy. And I guess the cars aren't a bad thing." I admit with a laugh and she laughs with me before grabbing her bags and we make our way up to the apartment. Since we will get ready for the party here tonight I said she could bring her shopping here and then I'll bring them to the hotel another day.

I walk into the apartment and Taryn drops her bag's immediately running to the balcony, the balcony doors are now wide open, so are all the windows. I feel one of the cats at my legs and I lean down to pick him up, it's Jimmy. Holding him in my arms as I look around the apartment. I see some half unpacked grocery bags on the kitchen counter. There are flowers on the tables and the home feels warmer. "Did you do all of this while I was out?" I ask max as he walks up to me. "Yes, I opened up the whole apartment and I even cleared out a section of my cupboard just for you." He says, kissing me hello. "Well we're going for a drink so we just came to drop our bags off." I say and he tries to take the bags from me. "Uh uh uh, no peaking." I say to him and he sighs in defeat as the cat jumps from my arms. "How about you guys stay here and I'll make drinks for you guys. Then you guys can chill here and there is no rush. Then we can order food and leave for the club later." He says. "That sounds like a plan." I say. "Our bedroom is just down the corridor and to the left. I left the door to our cupboard open for you to unpack." Max says. "Thank you my love." I say, kissing his cheek. "Also I think Charles likes Taryn." I say with a laugh as I walk down the corridor.

I place my bags down and begin to unpack all the stuff. "She does? That's great then. They would be cute together." Max says, walking into the room and flopping back onto the bed, sassy is stretched out on the bed too, taking in the late afternoon sun. "Yeah we saw him this afternoon. He seemed quite enamored by her. He even kissed her hand." I say and max gasped. "Oh my god Charles is in love." Max says with a laugh. I laugh and roll my eyes. "But I think they would be cute together so we must make sure they are together tonight." I say to max. "That sounds like a plan." He says and we continue to chat as I unpack. He tries to look at what I unpack when I move onto today's bags but I hide it from him. "You'll see it all eventually so why spoil the surprise now?" I question as I place the dark blue set in the cupboard, I believe it's Max's favorite color and it looks amazing on me.

Taryn and I sit on the couches on the balcony and max brings out some drinks for us. "My famous gin and tonics." Max says with a smile as he places them on the table in the center. He disappears inside again before reappearing with his own drink. Jimmy jumps up onto the couch and curls up against my legs. I sit up from where I was leaning against the couch and and sassy jumps onto the back of the couch before finding a place near Jimmy. Max sits down in the spot I was leaning, placing his arm behind me as I lean against him. "I still can't believe my cats like you more than they like me. They are my cats." He says. "I guess I'm more like able than you?" I say as a joke with a laugh. Max stills. I look up to find him grumpily staring at me. "I'm joking babe." I say, kissing the bottom of his jaw. "Can I just say that you two are disgustingly adorable. I heard you two chatting while you were in your bedroom and it sounds like you guys have been together for years." Taryn says which makes me smile. "I know right, we're just so adorable." I say with a laugh, placing my head on Max's shoulder.

After we ordered and ate food, Taryn and I decided it was time for us to get ready, since we're leaving in an hour. I tell max to take his stuff to the spare room so we can use the main bedroom which is an en suite. We pull out the dresses we bought for tonight, both fitted and are quite short. Hers is red and silky with some lace edges and mine is a royal blue tight dress. We change into our dresses and then begin with our makeup. We help each other and fix our hair. Before we know it, we're done and ready to go. We hear a knock on the door and it's max. "Girls, my driver is here so we're ready to go when you are." He says and we hear him walk off. "He's so respectful." Taryn mentions. "I know right. He's so adorable." I say. "Ok I'm done. I'm going to wait with max for you." I say to her as she finishes up with her lipstick. "Ok, go show your man how good he's got it. Show him how stunning his girlfriend is." She yells after me which makes me laugh as I open the door. I walk down the corridor and find max on the couch on his phone. I stand in the room and clear my throat, grabbing his attention. His eyes snap up to me and his jaw drops. The heels make my legs look very sleek and I'm so glad that max is so much taller than me because he stands up and walks towards me and he is still taller than me. His eyes take up and down my body. "Do you like the dress?" I ask him, turning around so he can see how good it makes my ass look. "God baby, you look stunning. This dress makes me want to cancel everything and just stay here with you." He says, placing his hands on my waist. "Later babe, but now, we're going out. I'll let you take the dress off later." I smile and wink at him as I hear Taryn walking towards us.

Taryn and I enter the club with max behind us. As we get in Dancing Queen by ABBA starts playing and Taryn and I run to the dance floor and begin dancing. We dance to the next couple songs before we decide to grab a drink. I pull out my car to pay for the drinks and the barman shakes his head. "All of your drinks have been covered by the two guys in the VIP booth over there." He says and we follow where he is pointing to find max, Charles, lando and max fewtrell sitting in the booth. "Ok thank you." I smile at him and we make our way to the booth. I slide into the one open side next to max and Taryn slides in the other side next to Charles. I greet lando and max who are sitting between max and Charles. "I hope I didn't see you paying the barman." Max says into my ear. "Nope he wouldn't let me." I say. "Good." Max says.

I cast my eyes across the table to see Taryn whispering something to Charles and her hand is placed on his bicep with the other one on his chest. I nudge max and gesture to them. "I told him he should try with her because she seemed to like the idea of Charles when I bought him up earlier." Max says.

Another ABBA song starts to play and Taryn and I jump up. "You're coming with." I say to max and grab his hand, pulling him to the dance floor. I look back to see Taryn following with Charles. The first verse of Lay All Your Love On Me starts blaring through the speakers as we make our way into the crowd and I turn to max placing his hands on my waist as I dance to the beat. I feel his hands twist me around and he pulls my back flush against his front. I continue my dancing my hands finding his hair and pulling his head over my shoulder. His hands roam my body as we dance in the middle of the crowd. Like no one knows who we are. As if we are no body. Just two adults dancing in a club. Two adults who love each other.

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