Chapter 6

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Max's POV

It is later in the day when I begin to finish up in the workshop, tidying up my workspace and cleaning up. I hear loud voices outside and walk to find out what is going on. "How dare you say that about our princess." Martin, my friend yells. "All I speak is the truth, I would love to see her thighs and hear the sounds she would make for me." The other guy yells, I'm unsure who he is but I have seen him working in the gardens before. Before anyone could stop him, Martin swings his hand and it lands directly on the jaw of the other man. I rush over to them, hoping to break up the fight before either of them get into trouble. I grab Martin after he sent another fist flying at the man, watching as he crumples to the floor. 'Whats gotten into you?" I ask him as I pull him away from the small crowd that had formed. "He was saying all the terrible and dirty things he would do to the princess if he got her alone. I had to stand up for her, no body speaks about the princess like that." he says and I'm so close to going back to the guy and ensuring he never speaks again, but I decide against it and walk Martin to the infirmary to fix his hand. He works in the kitchen so his hands are covered in burns and some blisters have split open due to the force so I sit with him in the infirmary as the nurse fixes up his hand.

We walk out of the infirmary and back to our rooms. We stop by the kitchen and collect our food before making our way back to our rooms. "Thank you, I really appreciate you saving me from trouble. If you ever need anything do not be afraid to ask." He says as we stop infront of what I gather is his room, 133. "Any time my friend, glad I could save you. Go rest so you can be back in the kitchen tomorrow." I say, patting his shoulder as he opens the door and dissapears inside.

I prepare myself for bed. My mind flashes back to how beautiful Anna looked in the window earlier. Her hair shining under the sun as her eyes found mine. She makes my heart beat faster. She is all that has been on my mind. This feeling is strange and new and I love it. It is an incredible feeling, but not being able to hold her every night hurts. I want to have her with me, here every night. I want her to tell me about her day, and I would tell her about mine. I want to share meals with her and make her laugh. I love this woman with my soul and I will continue to love her. That's when a knock sounds on my door. It's a light tap and I know exactly who it is. I swing the door open and my heart leaps in my chest at the sight of her. I pull her into my arms and sigh contentedly as she relaxes into my arms.

Anna's POV

Max explained everything that happened today. From that silly girl Kelly to what that man had said about me. "When Martin told me what he had said about you, it took so much strength in me to not turn around and tear that man to pieces. I was so angry but I knew it would risk my place here and I would risk loosing you. Martin had done a good enough job with bruising him up already so I did not feel the need to do any more damage." He says to me. A feeling sinks in my stomach at what that man said about me but it somehow disappears once max tells me how upset he was. "Thank you Max, I appreciate you telling me all of this." I say, placing my hand on his cheek. "Always. I want to tell you everything. I want to be able to sit like this with you every day and tell you about my day then I want you to tell me about yours and I'd listen with intent and then we would fall asleep with you in my arms, where you are meant to be." He admits to me. We smile sadly at eachother. "You have no idea how much I yern for that. How much I yern for you when we are apart." I admit. He is about to say something when my stomach grumbles, empty as I haven't eaten dinner.

"Have you eaten?" He asks. I shake my head. "I was so nervous about what had happened today I wanted to come see you as soon as I could. I didn't bother with eating." I admit. He jumps up and grabs a plate that I didn't even notice on the small table in the room. "Here, eat. Please." He begs me. "Is this not your dinner?" I ask him. "That doesn't matter. You need to eat." He says, trying to put the plate in my hands again. "It does indeed matter. You need to eat." I argue, pushing the plate back towards him. "So do you." He returns, giving the plate back to me. "I will eat as long as you sit here next to me and do the same. We shall share this plate." I say and his face softens. "Let's sit at the table instead." He suggests, grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the small table surrounded by two chairs. We chat more and make jokes over the plate of food and before we know it, the plate is empty.

"If I may ask, who were you talking to while you were sitting by the window earlier today?" He says. "It was one of the Princes that my mother wishes to marry me off to. His name is Lando. He only spoke of himself, rarely let me get a word in before he interrupted with something unnecessary. It was very frustrating and I was bored to death." I admit with a smile, max laughs. "I'm afraid, if a prince bores you then who could possibly entertain you." Max questions. "Anyone that is not a prince. I have a feeling that a carriage mender is a good type of person to entertain me." I say softly, looking up at him. "I will always be here to entertain you, till my final breath." He claims, standing up and pulling me with him.

Timeless - Max Verstappen Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum