Chapter 11

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Max's hand is wrapped in mine as we walk up a path towards a dimly lit home. Max knocks on the door and it swings open to reveal a blonde lady. "Max, hi. What brings you here." She gasps, pulling him into a hug. "Hi Victoria. I was wondering if we could stay the night here. This is Anna." Max says and I step forward. "Hello." I smile and she pulls me in for a hug. I pull away and she grabs my hands. "I'm so glad that max has finally met a nice girl. I do know you from somewhere, don't I?" She questions. Before I can answer her, she gasps and pulls my left hand closer to her face. "You gave her grandfathers ring?" She questions max as she inspects the ring on my ring finger. "Yes, a nice old lady just married us." Max smiles down at me. "An old lady? Whereabouts was this old lady?" She asks. "A few streets down in that directions." He says, pointing in the direction we just walked from. "Was she in an alley?" Victoria asks, stepping back. "Yes. She was very kind and welcoming. She even blessed this ring." I say with a smile and Victoria shakes her head. "That is no nice old woman, she is a witch. You will not come into my house with a witches curse upon you." Victoria claims and slams the door in our faces.

"I did not know she was a witch." Max says as we walk down the cobbled streets. "I did not either. However, the jars of odd things should have told us she was not who she seemed to be." I claim. "If we are cursed, I'm glad we are cursed together. We will get through whatever she has put in our path together." Max says, looking at me as we come to a stop at the edge of the sand. The waves rushing along the sand. "So much has happened since I was here with you all those weeks ago." I say with a smile. "It has all been incredible. Being able to know you and to fall in love with you. I wouldn't have it any other way." Max says to me, before leaning down and capturing my lips in his. 

Max places his jacket on the sand and we lie down, his arm underneath my head as I curl into his side. We gaze up at the stars and make small talk, enjoying each others company. Slowly my eyes begin to close as I drift off to sleep. Tomorrow we will make a plan on where to go from here. We will find somewhere where we can be happy together. Where we can grow a family together. The waves and the soft sound of Max breathing helps me drift off to sleep, curled into the side of the man I will always love.


"There they are!" A loud voice shocks me out of my sleep. My heart racing as I turn to find the palace guards surrounding us. Max was awoken by the same voice and he holds me close, trying to protect me. "Princess, come with us. We will take you back home." The guard says. "No! I will not return!" I yell, standing my ground, pushing closer into max. "Yes, it is the Queen's wishes. You both will return to the castle at once. Grab them." He says and I immediately feel four hands grab my arms, yanking me out of Max's grip as he is also grabbed by two men, he attempts to break out of their grip. "Let us go. We wish you no harm. Please." He yells. "I am following the orders of the Queen." The guard says again. I am thrown into an inclosed carriage, one they use to carry thieves. The impact shocks me as my arm scrapes along the wooden floor of the carriage. "Be careful with her." I hear Max yell. "How dare you throw her as if she means nothing." He barks again, I can feel his anger in his words. I shift myself up against the wall of the carriage just in time as max is shoved into the carriage with me. He immediately scoops me up and onto his lap, where I curl up against his chest, nursing my now bleeding arm.


After a bumpy trip back to the castle, we stop. I slowly climb out of Max's comforting arms, knowing what is waiting for us. The door unlocks and swings open. We are grabbed by guards and are led towards the doors of the castle. We don't bother fighting, knowing that whatever punishment is about to be given, we will deal with it together. We arrive in the throne room, in front of my mother and brother. The guards let me go but continue to hold Max. "Aww Anna, come here my darling. It's ok, you're safe now." My mother coos, opening her arms. I stay where I am standing. Next to Max. "He won't hurt you anymore." She smiles. "He is not the one hurting me. You are." I say to her and she gasps. "I love him and he loves me. We have been seeing each other for a while now. So whatever punishment you lay on him, you can lay it on me because where he goes, I do. We are married and our souls are intertwined for the rest of time." I say to her and I watch as the shock covers her face.

She storms up to me and slaps me across the face, the sound echos around the room. My brother gasps in shock and so does Max as he fights the guard holding him. "He kidnapped you." Mother says. "No he did not. I ran with him. I chose to run with him, Because he loves me. We are married and we have consummated the marriage already so you can stop summoning princes from across the land." I say to her. She slaps me again. "You are a whore. How could you let him ruin you. You are a ruined princess. No body would want you now." She yells and I flinch but stand my ground. She thinks for a moment. "No, they will because no one will find out about this. We will say that you kidnapped the princess for money in return but we found you." She says, I watch her face as she thinks of a plan to cover up what has happened. "You, peasant boy, you will be hung in the square for your crimes against the crown tomorrow at midday." She proclaims and I gasp, immediately looking to max as tears fill my eyes. "Hang me with him. I wish to die with him." I beg my mother. "I will do no such thing. In time you will forget about him. You will marry a prince and forget about this common man." She says to me before sending max to be kept in the dungeon till his hanging tomorrow. Before the guard can drag him away, I reach up and connect my lips with his. "For the rest of time." I say to him. "For the rest of time." He confirms as the guard pulls him away from me, taking my heart with him.

"You, young lady will stay on the second floor untill tomorrow evening. You are banished from the first floor and you will not be allowed to see him before his punishment. You can watch from the windows as your silly, naive choices are corrected. Now be gone." She says and a guard is immediately by my side, escorting me to my room.

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