Chapter 5

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Eventually, Prince Lando bids me good day and leaves the library. I am incredbly glad that I no longer have to hear his voice. I make my way back to my room, awaiting my mother to barge in and ask what I thought of him. I open the doors to the balcony from my bedroom, sitting on one of the comfortable chairs as I soak in the sunlight. I love sitting in the sun, I love how it warms my skin. I relax in its warmth untill I hear commotion below me. I sit up to find a small crowd of people below the balcony. I hear crunches of feet against gravel and I find two men fighting, one throws a punch at the other and he flies back. "What are you doing?" I hear a familiar voice yell as he breaks through the circle, clearly friendly with the man that is still standing. They talk and I am unable to hear what is said, however they both look up at me at the same time, my eyes locking on max's. I am extremely confused as Max drags away the man I assume is his friend as the onlookers collect the man who is passed out and they all walk towards the infirmary. I am about to get up and meet them there, to question what unfolded but my Mother barges into my bedroom and insists I tell her why I was ignoring Prince lando.

The guards have been talking.

"I was not ignoring him, I was listening." I claim, which I know is false. "You were?" she questions. "Yes, he was telling me about his horses and how he rides them everyday." I say and she seems to accept that. She asks me what I thought of him. I told her he did anoy me as he did not let me say much, always talking about himself. she seemed to accept my response. "Prince Carlos of Spain will be visiting in two days so you can prepare to meet him." she says and with that, she gets up and leaves me on the balcony. The sun is slowly sinking behind the horizon as I remove myself from the balcony, the temperature outside dropping quickly. My handmaids prepare me in my night clothes as I requested to have dinner in my bedroom tonight. Claiming to need some time alone after today. I wait, knowing I will be served dinner once my mother and brother have sat down to eat. I graciously take the food from the servant that hands it to me. "Please alert everyone that I do not wish to be bothered tonight." I say and the woman infront of me nods and bids me goodnight. I wait, my food remaining untouched as my stomach fills with nerves. I need to find max and find out what happened today between his friend and with the other woman. I watch the clock on the wall, as it ticks over and I know this is my chance to slip away. I open my door to the corridor and I am grateful to find it empty. I take the small staircase that is across the hall and follow the steps down many floors, towards Max.

I quietly make my way towads max's room. grateful for the fact that I have yet to see anyone. I knock on the door and it swings open. Max smiles and pulls me into his arms, closing the door behind me. "I missed you." I say to him with a sigh, breathing in his scent. "I missed you too." he admits, his hands finding their way under my chin, tilting my head up and he places his lips on mine. I sigh into the kiss, the fire flowing through my body as he continues to kiss me. "Before we get carried away, I must tell you what happened." he says, guiding me to the bed and I sit down.

Max's POV

I rip the shirt from my hot body, the air cooling my skin as I continue to work on the carriage. My apprenticeship has been going incredibly well and I am so grateful for this opportunity. I am also grateful for the escape from my dad, he has been nicer now that I have been sending every second paycheck I receive to him. the other paychecks are being saved for when I am older and wish to move out of the palace, to hopefully marry the woman of my dreams, Anna. I will find a way to make her my wife.

My arms ache to be wrapped around her body, where I know she is safe and no harm can come to her. I have not seen her in days and I wish to lay my eyes on her again, even for the smallest of seconds. I decide to take a well earned break outside of the workshop, under the shade of the trees. I walk out and the slight breeze cools my skin. I glance around when I begin to feel a pair ofeyes on me. I look up and my heart jumps as my eyes find hers. Anna. She looks as beautiful as always, her eyes shine in the sunlight and her hair blows in the breeze. a small smile covers her face and I wink at her, knowing the movement is too small to be picked up by anyone, because I will not wave at her.

Something snaps her attention away from me and I move under the tree, watching her as she speaks to someone. I grab my shirt from my work bench, knowing I shouldn't be out side without my shirt on. I finish the last button just before I hear a voice. "Max, hi." I hear a familiar voice. I turn to find kelly walking towards me. I roll my eyes, not in the mood for her antics. "Hi kelly, how are you today?' I ask her, trying to be nice. "I'm good, could be better." she says looking at me and placing her hand on my upper arm. I attempt to shrug her hand off ofmy arm, I know exactly what she is doing. " Kelly, I have already said no, many times. Please leave me out of whatever you are attempting to start here. There are other guys who would happily take care of you, not me." I say to her. She places both her hands on my shoulders and pulls herself closer to me. "I want you to do it." she looks at me, fluttering her eyelashes.

I want to be sick at the thought of doing something even close to that with someone that is not Anna. "No, Kelly. I have told you countless times. I would never. I beg you to stop trying with me." I say. "oooh who is the girl. Clearly there is a woman who has captured your mind else you would not turn me down." she claims. "There is not any woman, I would rather do nothing for months than do it with you." I say, lying about the other woman, there is definetly a woman who has captured my mind and she is far more spectacular than the woman infront of me. I push Kellys hands off of me and storm back into the workshop, watching her walk away before I reappear, my eyes finding Anna's.

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