Chapter 2

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It has been three weeks since I managed to sneak back into my bedroom unnoticed after my escape to the beach. My mind has circled around one topic and one topic only, Max. Yes he is a commoner and fixes carriages but I have never cared for princes, they all believe that they are the greatest thing to grace this land. However, Max was incredibly gentlemanly and respectful. He made me laugh and cheered me up. He made me feel at ease without even trying and I have not thought of anything other than him. Well, him and the fact that my mother has been looking for suitors to marry me off to. Which was the reason for our fight that led me to run to the beach, where I met max. She says she has found some suitable princes and I will marry one and I do not have a say in the matter, regardless of how much I beg and claim that they are all stuck up baffoons. She will not hear my pleas.

She proclaimed over dinner that she has worked her way down to six suitors who will all pay us a visit within the next three months so I can meet them and then she will make her choice on who I am to marry. Which is why I am currently wiping the streams of tears from my cheeks as I make my way down the servants staircase, towards their quarters where I know I will find the one person I have been yearning to see again. My thin floor length nightdress restricts me from running.

As I make my way through the corridors I find Rachel, one of my handmaids. She is one of my closest friends and confidants. "Rachel. Please tell me where I will find Max. The new carriage apprentice." I ask her. I watch as a question raises in her eyes. "I will explain at another point. Please." I beg her. She sighs. "Go straight back down that corridor, room 205." She says. "Thank you so much." I reply before quickly walking down the corridor. It is night time which makes me realize that this probably isn't the best time to see him as he is most likely sleeping but the yearn to meet his eyes with mine once again pushes me forward.

I stop in front of the door labeled 205. Thanking my lucky stars that I did not run into someone down here. I tap on the door, hoping that this is the correct room. I hear a noise from inside and hold my breath in anticipation. The door swings open to reveal Max, in only his sleeping pants. His eyes widen once they land on me. Footsteps echo in the corridor, which breaks his trance and he pulls me into the room, gently closing the door behind me, as to not raise suspicion. I watch as his eyes slink down my body before they jump back up to my face, his face reddens. "Not that I am complaining but why are you here?" He says. My eyes, clearly less respectful, make their way down his naked chest, taking in all the ridges and bumps of muscles toned from hard work. I shake the thoughts out of my head and connect my eyes with his. He grabs the closest shirt, throwing it on and buttoning it up around his torso. He steps closer, searching my  eyes. "Something happened again?" He questions, seeing my reddened eyes. He sits down on his bed patting the spot next to him. "I'm sorry, it's not very glamorous." He mentions. I laugh. "I've never liked the palace glamour anyways." I smile, sitting down next to him.

I take a deep breath before launching into an explanation. I explain everything from my mothers original idea to the fact that she now has six suitors and I am to marry one of them even though I do not wish to marry anyone. More tears slip down my face and max gently wipes them away with his thumbs. "I'm trusting you with this so please, you can not tell a soul." I say to him, leaning my head on his shoulder. His arm nervously snakes around my waist, pulling my side flush against his. I relax into his touch, letting him know this is ok and I feel him relax too. "I will never tell a soul. That is a promise." He says and I feel him place a soft kiss on my head. I freeze. He pulls away from me immediately, I almost loose my balance, catching myself before I hit the bed. "I'm so sorry Princess. It was a habit that I have formed from comforting my little sister. I apologize." He says looking down. I straighten up. "It is not that. I am not used to affection like that. It was new and I liked it." I admitted softly. He shifts closer to me. "My mother has always been harsh on my brother and I. It has been rough. I'm sorry for barging in on you uninvited. I will see myself out now." I say, getting up to go.

I feel a hand tug on mine. "Please don't go." He says, pulling me against him, his eyes gazing down into mine. "Back to the kiss, you liked it?" He asks. I nod, shyly. "Would you mind if I did it again?" He asks. "I would not." I confirm. "Would you mind if I kissed somewhere else on your head?" He asks, stepping closer to me. "I would be sad if you didn't." I say, knowing what's coming next thanks to Rachel's charcoal diagrams and drawings that explained what kissing was after I had asked her about it as I had read about it in a book. She tells me more than Mother would ever tell me. My mother wants me to live in the dark for as long as possible. I have no knowledge of how a man and a woman perform the marital act, I know that there is something that they do to consummate the marriage but Mother has never explained to me how this is done. Rachel started to explain it to me, her years of experience with her husband and two children make her a good source of information about this topic. She unfortunately did not get to the part where the consummation happens as we were interrupted by my mother. I will have to ask her to continue her explanation if I am to continue my relationship with Max.

Max leans closer, slowly, he places his lips on mine. The fire returns, burning through my body. My hands find their way to his chest, grabbing the fabric between my fingers as his wrap around my waist, pulling me closer. He separates his lips from mine and sighs. I panic. "Did I do something wrong? Was that not ok? I apologize, I have never done this before." I say, attempting to step away but his hands around my waist stop me. "I will admit, I have never done this before either but it was spectacular." He says with a small smile. "Great, I'm glad we feel the same." I smile back and at him, my hands still on his chest.

Timeless - Max Verstappen Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant