Chapter 29

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After a chaotic and extremely hot race, max pulls up behind the P1 sign with lando and Oscar behind him. The team celebrate with him and he takes his helmet off before making his way back to me. I wrap him in a hug and kiss his cheek. "Please tell me you're ok after all the heat?" I ask him worriedly. "I'm quite dehydrated but that's nothing some water can't fix. I managed to drink a lot of water before hand and during the race so I'm feeling ok." He says softly. "I'm glad, I was so worried about you dehydrating." I say and he gives me a small smile. "I'm ok now, especially now that I have you." He says. "Congratulations, champion. You won your prize. Now go do everything you have to do so we can go." I smile at him.

After watching to podium celebration I go back to Max's driver room and wait for him. Eventually he walks in and closes the door behind him. "I have a question for you. Did you really mean what you said last night? That me winning the races and basically dominating the sport is a turn on?" He asks and I stand up and walk towards him. "Well yeah of course it is. Seeing my gorgeous boyfriend completely wipe the floor with the competition, it's really attractive and incredibly hot." I say to him, placing my arms around his neck and his hands find my waist. "I was just wondering if it really worked. I'm glad it does because just seeing you and knowing you're mine does crazy things to me." He says to me. "Let me grab my last few things from here and then we can go back to the hotel." He winks at me and places a kiss on my lips. Leaving promises for what's to come.

Max goes into his room, saying he wants to shower first and I disappear into my room. Digging into my bag to find the set of lingerie that Taryn gave me as a joke after I told her I was going to be traveling with max. I must thank her later. I gently pull on the thin lacy underwear and clip the bra on. I look at myself in the mirror and I look amazing. I grab the hotel robe from the closet as I hear max turn the shower off next door. I walk and knock on his door, it swings open and I find him with a towel wrapped around his waist. His hair is wet, I look him up and down and slightly bite my lip at the view. He gently grabs my arm and eases me into the room. Softly closing the door before he pulls me against him. "How could you stand there looking at me up and down like a piece of meat in a dressing gown where my imagination knows what's underneath it. You're such a tease you know that?" He says and I nod. I hook my finger through the gold chain hanging round his neck and pull his head towards me, connecting our lips in a kiss, as he lets me push him back until he hits the bed.

"Oh I know I'm a tease." I say as I begin to slowly undo the belt tied around my waist. "It's fun sometimes." I say as I keep the front closed but slowly push the shoulders of the gown off. Showing the straps of the bra. "It's really fun." I say, slowly letting the gown slip from my arms. The gown slips down and reveals the lacy bra. Max's eyes don't leave my body for a second as I drop the gown to the floor. "Do you like your prize?" I ask him. He stands up the towel falling from his waist on its own and he stands in front of me. "Fuck, I love my prize." He says before capturing my lips in his, claiming my mouth in a powerful kiss. He picks me up and I wrap my legs around his waist, I feel him hard against my center and let out a groan into the kiss as he moves us towards the bed.

He lays me down on the bed as he begins to kiss down my jaw and all over my neck. I let out a small moan at the feeling. I feel his hand make its way beneath my back and finds the clasp of my bra, undoing it in one movement. "Ok that was hot." I say softly and he chuckles into my neck. "I'm only here to impress." He says with a laugh, lightening the mood. He pulls away from my neck and looks directly into my eyes. "If you ever want me to stop or slow down, say so. You're in control here. I only want to please you and make you happy so  please tell me if you want me to stop." He says to me and I nod. "I need words, baby girl." He says, his fingers softly stroking up the side of my torso. When I eventually find the way to speak again I say. "Yes, I will tell you." "Good." He softly said before continuing to kiss down my neck. He slips the loosened bra from by body and throws it on the floor. His mouth moves down to my chest, leaving kisses around my breasts.


Max falls down next to me on the bed and immediately pulls me into his arms as we both catch our breath. "Wow." I say. "Incredible. I guess I have my answer to my question from earlier. Guess I'll have to keep winning." He says with a smile. "I'll always be your prize." I smile at him. "Good because I'd rather have you over any trophy. You are my greatest prize." He says and kisses my forehead he moves to get up but before I see where he is going, I fall asleep.

Timeless - Max Verstappen Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon