We didn't protect her 🤬

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Yeri POV
It's been a week since my little 'incident' with Mia and she hasn't stopped, she's always kissing me and acting like we're in a relationship whenever the boys aren't around.

I was in my room crying alone since Mia left early today I was soo fukin grateful "Yeri?" I wiped my tears as I heard a knock at my door "c-come in" I forced a smile on my exhausted face.

"You okay Jagiya?" I nodded at Jungwon as he came to sit next to me on my bed, he stroked my hair pushing my hair out of my face "you've been crying?" I moved my head the other way.

"I'm fine Jungwon" he sighed "no your not love, tell me" he held my hand looking into my eyes with his boba ones "please?" I gave in "I'm scared" I tear slipped past my eyes as the water works started again.

He pulled me onto his lap stroking my hair "it's okay Jagiya, tell me everything" I clutched onto his shirt "M-Mia s-she" I felt his body freeze "what did she do love?" He sounded serious.

I hid my face into his chest "she t-touched me" his hold on me tightened "omg baby I'm soo sorry, I know you don't wanna talk about it but I need to know exactly what she did to you, can you do that for me Jagiya?" I nodded sitting up sniffling.

I pulled off my top showing him the hickeys and bite marks "she didn't.....she didn't rape you did she?" Worry was evident on his face but I shook my head "I think she plans on tho" he poked his cheek with his tongue "bitch" agreed.

He looked at my body trailing his finger over the marks "awh my poor girl" he hugged me again as I broke down in his arms "I'll make sure you never have to see that fuker again" I whimpered in his hold "please don't leave me wonnie" he smiled softly "never Jagiya."

Jungwon POV
After I got Yeri to stop crying I snuggled her till she fell asleep, I stroked her cheek smiling "I promise to kill that bitch love, no one will ever harm you again" I pecked her cheek before leaving.

I stormed into Heeseung hyungs office where he was having a meeting with the other boys "Jungwon your late-" "we fuked up!" I closed the door "Jungwon hyung what-" "Mia touched our gurl!"

All the boys eyes darkened "she did WHAT?!?!" Heeseung hyung stood up infuriated "that fuker" Sunghoon hyung spoke through gritted teeth "it's our fault" we all looked at Sunoo hyung who was tearing up.

"We shouldn't have left her in someone else's care, she's our girlfriend not that stupid bitches, we let our fukin work take priority over her" tears were flowing nonstop down his red cheeks as Niki hugged him trying to comfort.

I looked over at Heeseung hyung "fuk it's all our fault" he ran his hand through his hair "where is that slut right now!" Jake hyung had his fists clenched "Yeri said she left early" Jake hyung suddenly threw a glass at the wall surprising all of us contrasting his usual composed self.

"I'm gonna kill that bitch!" He glared as all of us agreed "she's coming tomorrow right?" I nodded at Jay hyung "then we'll catch her in the act and will bring her to the basement to deal with her, agreed?"

Each of us nodded "from now on each of us sleep with her and are always with her understood?" We failed to protect our angel.


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