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I wasn't even planning on writing for a while but after being harassed by my irl friend for a month (actually 3 but it was mostly just coaxing before that) I have given in and wrote something
If you guys like this fic you can thank her lmao
Anyway this is well I mean it's my attempt at angst and fluff, and it's gonna be a fyoya fic with some implied soukoku so if you guys came for soukoku um the door is there because you won't be getting that
Those who continue I'll like to just say that I'm not trying to convert ppl to the fyoya religion (although that'll be rlly nice) and I'm just writing this fic because fyoya needs more fics and I want more fics but there aren't more fics so yes this is borne of my desperation for more fyoya
Anyway I've probably kept you here long enough so you can proceed to the next page with tissue papers for your inevitable tears (I don't even think it's that angsty but just to be safe I'll just place a warning)

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