Caring for you (Nick x fem)

Start from the beginning

My stomach was hurting from the cramps.

-Could you please get me the heating pad that's on our drawer and fill it with warm water, please?

-Of course I can.

I barely had force nor energy to get up, I had this feeling in your body when you've got a temperature, that your muscles hurt and you feel weak.

After a bit Nick came back with the heating pad. He lifted the covers and placed it on my stomach, giving me a couple of kisses there, then he placed back the covers on top of me.

-Thank you. I love you.

I said with a hoarsely voice.

-No need to.

He smiled at me in a caring way.

-I've algo got mouth sores, they are so annoying.

-My God, you've got the whole package. I'm so sorry.

She laughed weakily.

-I have the whole package, indeed.  But it's not your fault.

He just looked at me worried, stroking my face. I love when he does that, so I leaned in my face into his hand.

-Do you have any medicine for the mouth sores, or should I get some on my way back home?

-I don't have any.

-Okay, I'll get them on my way back.


-It's okay. Darling, Ihave to go to work now, but if you need anything just call me, okay?

I nodded.

He kissed my temple.

-Bye, I love you.

-I love you.

And he left for work.

He is the best husband in the world. He had just left and I already wanted him to come back.

I felt terribly bad, so I just waited for the medicine to kick in. I watched TV for the rest of the morning, prepared myself a basic lunch, and then dozed off.

Nick's POV:

I felt bad leaving Y/n alone at home sick, but she insisted so much that I went to work that I did. I knew she did it not because she doesn't want my company, but because she feels guilty about me taking a day off just to care for her, as if that wasn't enough of a reason to miss a day of work,  but I didn't want her to feel any worse so I did as she told me.

The day went on pretty slow, but finally it was 5 o'clock and I could go home.

I got in the car and texted Y/n, but she didn't answer, so I assumed she was asleep. The fact that she got her period this morning as well was the icing on the cake, as if being sick was not uncomfortable enough.

I stopped at a pharmacy and bought her medicine for the mouth sores and more pads because I noticed this morning that she had only got like four left. With that, I got back in the car and went home.

I opened the door with my keys.


There was no answer, so I went to our room, just to find Y/n laying on our bed, fast asleep with her mouth slightly open, she looked adorable. I smiled to myself and approached her, getting on my knees and giving her a kiss on the forehead. She scrunched her nose and opened her eyes, smiling when she saw me.

-Nick. You're back.

-I am.

I smiled and she coughed, covering her mouth with her arm.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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