Me and Drake smiled. "One two.. three-" "Well do it too!" Peeta yelled. They walked over. "What are you doing?" I questioned. "If they cannot have one of us they must have all four of us!" Peeta said. I smiled. 

"I love you Mavis!" I felt someone hand on my shoulder. I looked at Drake. He was falling over. "What?" I shouted. I was holding him up and he had a blue tint on his lip. "No! No! NO!" I screamed. I started crying. 

I was holding him. I was sobbing. "Finish.. Song" He spoke. "Dogs.. song" He said. I nodded my head. I traced his face with my fingers. "When i'm pure like a dove. When I've learned how to love. Right here in the old therebefore. When nothing is left... Anymore" I started sobbing. 

I closed his eyes and kissed his head. I stood up. I looked at my berries. We all got together. Peeta wiped his tears. "One.. Two.. three" We lifted the berries. "Stop stop!" Someone yelled. "Ladies and gentlemen may I present the winners of the 74th annual hunger games." Wow. 

I looked down at Drake. I heard the aircraft coming. I started moving Drake away. "What are you doing?" Peeta asked me. I moved him to the wood line. I threw a flower on him. I kissed him once more and ran to the aircraft. 

We were taken to the penthouse. We got to shower and everything. I felt amazing. I was just lonely. Drake was not here. The whole house had a sad feeling to it. I never felt a pain like this. Locksmith walked in. "You did it!" he said sadly. I looked at him. I nodded my head. I was going to have another interview. I was wearing this pretty purple dress. 

"There not every happy with you" "Why?" "Because you showed them up. Never ever has there been more than one winner in the games never!" He shouted. "I am not really happy with them but you don't hear me complaining!" "Mavis! This is very serious and not just for you. They do not take these things lightly." I laughed. 

I looked in his eyes. "I had to kill people! I watched people get killed! Every time I close my eyes I see Rue or I see Drake or I see myself about to be tore apart by fucking dogs! I understand they are angry but so am I Locksmith and I am tired!" I yelled at him. He nodded his head and he just gave me a hug. I started crying. "I know honey I know" He told me. 

I was waiting for Katniss and Peeta to get off the stage. I was hardly even here. Everything feels fuzzy and fake. I do not even feel real. I feel like I have nothing left of me. 

"Mavis. Mavis!" Locksmith called. I looked at him. "You have to go out there and say it was love alright. Love is what made you win" He instructed. I nodded my head. "Mavis Barid!" He called. I took a breath and walked out. Everyone cheered. He went to touch my hand but I pulled it back. 

"Congratulations on winning the game!" He told me and everyone cheered. "You were amazing out there I mean every strategy and the way you did everything. I never thought you would be the type to build something out of nothing!". "My dad taught me" I said plain. 

"So this might be a sensitive topic. Can you describe how you felt when you found Drake Vince wrapped around the vines?" He questioned. I laughed at the memory. He was covered in vines and then little splinters. 

"It was scary because I had no idea what was going on but then It was funny because how does someone even end up in that situation? I was just happy to have found him and see his face" I explained. He smiled. "You guys made a pact I assume?" "Yeah before the games started I had a plan. Then I seen him at the top of the cliff" My voice cracked. I wiped the tears before they fell. " I just knew he had the same plan I did. Then we found out about the nightlock berries. We shared a look. That's how I knew" I explained. 

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