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The little creature opened his eyes and found himself alone on the bed. He yawned and saw the clock beside him, widening his eyes.

JM: "The fuck! 8:00 am? I overslept? And where is Hyung?"

Calling the older's name continuously, he came down, tryna find him.

"I'm here." A voice came from the kitchen. The younger followed the voice and found his dearest husband serving the breakfast on table.

JM: *Whines* "Hyung, I thought of making breakfast on my first day of marriage but I overslept. You could wake me up if you got up early."

Jin: "Didn't I tell you that I'll take the responsibility of cooking?"

JM: "But that was when I didn't know how to cook. I don't wanna make you do the smallest things."

Jin: "Don't bother yourself as long as I'm here."

JM: "You're not understanding. If you did everything by yourself, then I've no choice but to feel so useless." *Looks down*

Jin walked near him and gently pulled him in a hug.

Jin: *caresses the younger's back* Aww! My baby! You're not useless. You're the most worthy person I could ever ask for."

His words made him smile.

Jin: "Okay! We'll both help each other in house chores. Is it okay for you?"

JM: "Yes!"

Jin: "Good! Let's have breakfast now."

Jimin nodded and both sat down on the chairs, eating.

JM: "So, you're opening your new restaurant today?"

Jin: "Not mine, ours."

JM: "Ohh sorry! But what about the previous one?"

Jin: "Yoongi and Tae will handle it."

JM: "I see!"

After finishing their meal, they left for their work.

Jin: "Minnie, I want you to cut the ribbon?"

JM: "Let's do it together."

Jin: "Oh, okay!"

Together, they cut the ribbon and opened their new workplace.

Jin: "Shall we get started?"

The younger nodded.

Though, the restaurant was newly opened but customers started coming one by one in such a short time. After all, the World Wide Handsome was a famous chef. Responsibility of cooking was Jin's while Jimin was welcoming and serving the people who were visiting.

After meeting the Kim brothers, the younger's anxiety slowly started fading. It's not like he got completely rid of it but he could be able to talk to new ones with a smile and without stuttering. The customers never left without saying "Aww!" after witnessing the cute worker's charms. Everyone admired the couple as they were so sweet and caring towards each other.

They had a hectic day and returned home with tiredness. As soon as they reached, it started pouring.

Jimin prepared some coffee for his husband and himself and walked towards the porch of the house where the older was sitting, admiring the rain.

JM: "Coffee!"

Jin: *looks at him and takes the cup* "Thanks!"

Jimin also sat beside him. The atmosphere was calm as the droplets of the rainwater could be heard, their garden looking so greenish, giving a feeling of freshness. The tiredness of the couple got lost somewhere.

JM: "Hyung!"

Jin: "Hmm?"

JM: "Thank you so much for giving me so much happiness."

Jin: "Huh? What happened to you all of a sudden?"

JM: "Nothing! Just felt like saying that."

Jin: "Well, you're welcome. Though I don't think I did something that great but I'm happy to have you in my life."

The older smiled.

JM: "If there's anything I can give you,  don't hesitate to ask."

Jin: "It's nothing. Having you beside me is enough."

JM: "But still....!"

His husband looked up, trying to think.

Jin: "Umm...I think there's something I want but I don't wanna force you for it."

JM: "Just tell me!"

Jin: "Really?"

JM: *nods*

The older got closer and rubbed his thumb on the younger's plumpy pink lips.

Jin: "How about a kiss? We never had our first one as you were always nervous. I wanted to but not by force. I don't think you're okay with it. Right?"

JM: "You can."

Jin: *widens his eyes* "What?"

JM: *Red cheeks* "I.. I don't have any problem!"

As these words came out of his mouth, his husband slowly leaned closer, making the younger close his eyes. Their lips felt each other's touch, creating a feeling to have a lot of butterflies in stomach. The pounding of their hearts was so loud, as if they could hear each other's heartbeats.

They didn't move their lips even an inch, just staying there still and expressing their love.

So that's how they made their first kiss memorable along with the blessings given by the rain.

That was just the start of their beautiful moments as they had so much to experience.

"No matter how many diamonds shine, you'll find the precious gem among them, if there's true love!"

The End


Thanks for spending your precious time reading my story 😉🎀


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