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It was morning time when the boy flipped his position on the bed. Lazily opening his eyes, he saw a blurry vision. Just to clear it, he blinked his eyes 3-4 times, finding a pair of cat eyes staring at him as both of their faces were so close.


"Shut up! You broke my ears." The older guy immediately covered his ears.

"W-What are you doing in my room?"

"I just came to wake you up as your mom said. Such a loudspeaker you are!"

"But you were literally staring at me."

"Yeah! Because you were looking like a goofball while sleeping."

"I'm not a goofball. You stupid cat!"

"Whatever!" Saying that, he went from there, leaving a sulking Jimin behind."

"Out of all the people, why did I have to see his face in the morning? Argh!"

He annoyingly got up and came downstairs, heading towards the kitchen.

"Mom! Why did you send Yoongi Hyung in my room? Last time, you made me stay with them and now this? He even made fun of me."

"Don't you have anything better to do except complaining so early in the morning? I was busy that's why I asked him to wake you up."

"What makes you so busy?"

"We have guests. Now get freshen up and come in living room." She held the tray of juices and walked out of the kitchen.

In a while, Jimin also came there and sat beside his parents. There was a middle aged couple sitting in front of them along with Yoongi.

"Mr and Mrs.Kim! Meet my one and only son, Jimin." Mr.Park introduced his son.

"Nice to meet you!" Jimin bowed to them.

"Hello Jimin!" Mr.Kim smiled but his wife squealed seeing Jimin.

"Aww! Come here baby!" Mrs.Kim called.

"Minnie, go!" His mom said.

The younger got up and went near the lady.

"Yoongi! Get up!"

"Why mom? Can't you see I'm sitting here?"

"You go and sit on the other side, if not, you can sit down on the floor."

Yoongi rolled his eyes and went to sit with Jimin's parents. He glared at Jimin as he let out a slight laugh.

Mrs.Kim pulled his hand and made him sit beside her.

"OMO! You're so cute and beautiful." She pinched the cheeks of the younger and his husband did the same. Both were pinching and squeezing his cheeks as if Jimin were their toy.

"Your cheeks are so soft baby." Finally, Mrs.Kim took her hands back, so as her husband, making the poor boy sigh in relief. All the time, he was feeling awkward.

"I really liked your son, Mrs.Park. He's just so adorable."

"I know right? Nobody can resist his cuteness." Mrs.Park chuckled. "But your sons are also quite handsome and sweet, Mrs.Kim!"

"I can't really say that for my Yoongi He always gives off a cold shoulder and his laziness always irritates me. I don't know what to do with this cold cat."

"Mom! How could you say that about your own son?" Yoongi whined.

"He's right. Don't say anything bad about him. He's just so cute." Jimin's mom put his head on her lap, caressing his hair."

Yoongi wiggled his eyebrows at his mom. "See! At least, there're people in this world who love me for my laziness." His mother frowned.

"Mrs.Park! Don't spoil him too much."

"But I can't help it. I love him as my own son."

Yoongi closed his eyes, enjoying the lovable pats given by his aunt, not ready to get up, making his mother letting out a sigh.

"If you love him that much, why don't you exchange him with Jimin? At least, he won't give me a hard time." She smiled at the younger.

"I'd love to. Isn't it great Yoongi dear?"

"Yes aunty!"

"MOM!" Jimin spoke up, pouting.

Everyone laughed.

"Chill son! I was just kidding. How can I exchange my precious Minnie!"

"Hmph!" The pout was still on his lips.

The ladies were just talking with each other, forgetting about their husbands who were doing nothing but listening to the blabberings of their wives. The both males came out of the hall.

Mr.Park- "They talk too much." He said as he lit a cigarette.

Mr.Kim- "When two women meet each other, they talk like there's no tomorrow. It's natural."

Mr.Park- "They never shut their mouths even for a second."

Mr.Kim- "Before marriage, they act all shy and sweet but after that we get to see their whole new form."

Mr.Park- "Exactly! Women are weird."

Mr.Kim- "And dangerous too."

They both started laughing but gulped down the next moment, seeing their wives in front of them with hands on their waist, passing death glares.

Mrs.Park- "So that's what you think of us?"

Mr.Park- "D-dear! We're just kidding."

Mrs.Park- "Do I look like a fool to you? I heard everything from your mouth. You know what, I was thinking of cooking your favourite dish tonight but now I change my mind."

Mr.Park- "Baby, please don't do that."

Mrs.Park- "You deserve it."

The husband sighed, knowing she won't listen to him. Mr.Kim laughed.

Mrs.Kim- "And why are you laughing, you old man? You're also no better." She shut his mouth, making him look down.

The two boys watching the drama from the living room bursted out laughing.

YG- "Your mom is such a rowdy."

JM*controls his laugh*- "Same goes for your mom. Hahahaha!"

YG- "Umm... Jimin?"

JM- "Hmm?"

YG *scratches his head*- "Sorry for calling you a goofball earlier."

JM- "It's okay!"

YG- "Don't you dislike me because of the way I behaved with you?"

JM- "Well, at first, I got annoyed but I can't dislike and hate someone just for that and since you apologised, I forgive you."

YG*smiles*- "Thanks Jimin!"

JM- "You look really good when you smile. Now I think, you're kinda cute."

YG *turns slightly red*- "Thanks I guess! Anyways, will you be my friend?"

JM*eye smiles*- "I already think of you and your brothers as my friends. You don't need to ask for it."

YG- "Still, I want to have a good start. I'm asking again. Jimin, Will you be my friend?" He extended his hand for a handshake which Jimin gladly accepted.

JM- "Sure!"

Both smiled at each other.

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