(Zain's outfit)

I come and bid good morning to everyone and sit on my chair

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I come and bid good morning to everyone and sit on my chair.

"You are going to the office today also?". Mom asked while looking at me.

"Yes mom!  Today is my important meeting that's why I am going office". I said to mom.

"Ok, but come home early". Mom said.

"Ok bye everyone". I said and left for my office.


Afternoon 2 p

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Afternoon 2 p.m.

Zain's pov.

I was sitting on my chair working when I heard a knock. I said come in and daniyal came inside and set in front of me.

"Why are you looking stressed today?  A meeting is good then what happened?". Daniyal said to me.

"Nothing! I am going to see a girl in the evening. I am just a little nervous". I said.

"Zain Khan and nervous oh my god!". He said while giggling.

"This is not funny Daniyal". I said.

"I know but this is the first time you are nervous about something that's why I said like that". He said.

"This is about my life partner ofcourse I am nervous bro". I said.

"Ok don't be nervous and relax.  You can do it perfectly". He said.

"I hope so!". I said.

We both are talking when my phone rang. I saw it was my mom. I picked up the call.

( Z - Zain, M - mom)

love in arranged marriage Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora