Radio Killed The Video Star

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Harmony was in the middle of having morning coffee with her dads when Sir Pentious decided to show up and blow up the hotel wall. "Show yourself Alastor! Come and face..." He then sees Alastor isn't inside the hotel but on one of the balconies. "Oh there you are... FACE MY WRATH!!"

"Who are you?" Alastor asked.

"Who am I? Who am I?! I am the great Sir Pentious! Inventor, architect of destruction, villain extraordinaire!"

Nifty then stands next to Harmony with an eyeful of crazy lust. "Ooh, he's a bad boy."

"Ha! Well if all that's true you'd think I'd have heard of you." Alastor shrugged making Harmony lightly giggle.

"I attacked you literally last week." Pentious deadpanned. "We've done battle like twenty times."

"Well you must have been really bad at this." Alastor shrugged again making Harmony finally burst out laughing.

"SILENCE! NOW COWER!" Pentious demanded. "For when I slain you, the almighty Vs will finally acknowledge me as their equal."

"You can't seriously believe that or want to be a part of those losers." Harmony grinned.

"Wait who are the Vs?" Nifty asks.

"Exactly." Harmony points to her. "No one important. Can I do this one Radio daddy? Please?"

"Of course my little one, this is junior level enough." Alastor nodded as he tipped her head back slightly and dropped some of his blood into her mouth.

With a smile now much like Alastor's and her eyes just like his she snapped her fingers and a smaller version of Alastor's monster wrapped around Pentious' ship making Pentious scream and beg for mercy.

"Do you think he's had enough?" Hades asked.

"Nah, he's got a few more hits in him." Angel replied.

When Pentious fell out of his ship and landed face first into the ground Harmony turned back. "Thank you so much for helping me practice my Radio daddy's power."

"Thank you... for letting your guard down!" Pentious reached up and ripped part of Harmony's dress.

Harmony then went from blue to red.

"Oh shit." Pentious' eyes widened as Harmony let out her rage on him and he went flying to the other side of Hell with his tail on fire.

"Well I gotta get to work." Harmony snapped her fingers and her dress was fixed. She quickly kissed all of her dad's cheeks. "Love you all, see you asap! I'm way ahead of schedule so I should be home early, hugs and kisses!"

Harmony didn't have must to do at all, just answer a few concerns and she can be home in a few minutes just as soon as she gets done with these annoying reporters.

"Our queen, you became our most beloved queen in history after you got here from Hell, how do you feel?" A reporter asked.

"I feel very annoyed you are flashing those cameras at me."

"What do you have to say to all those that envy you?"

"Envy is a very deadly sin. I stand for redemption and brotherhood and for all you mortal souls to see that you are all the same. Years ago a great wrong was made and when I came I made it right but you all shouldn't have waited for me, you all should have known trapping innocent kids on an island with no freedom and barely any food after they were too old to suck on their mom's tits was fucking evil." Starts laughing. "And you all listened to a son of a bitch that fucked up so bad all his workers turned into household items!"

Harmony in Hazbin Hotel: Daughter of Resilience, Power and Entertainment.Where stories live. Discover now