Ready For This

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It took Harmony until sunrise to stop crying before she picked herself up off the floor and fixed herself up. As she dressed herself in a blue gown and placed the Auradon queen crown on her head she ordered that everyone in the kingdom gather immediately.

Everyone knows Harmony never gathers all of the kingdoms so they knew this was important. Harmony made a hall bigger so everyone would fit in and have a seat. Harmony took a deep breath and put on her smile before walking out making everyone go silent.

"As you know I was raised in a rehab hotel in Hell that was built to give those a chance they never got and to redeem themselves. I know it's possible because I've seen it here and that is why..." Harmony took off her crown and placed it down. "I can no longer be your queen."

The whole hall gasped in shock.

"I'm sorry, but the home that raised me needs me more than you all do, my family has been threated to be erased and because I'm immortal I could never be with them again. I have to do this."

"What?" All of Harmony's friends looked at her scared.

"So you're abandoning everyone that looks up to you for a bunch of demons! Stick to your own kind huh?!" Herbert stood up.

Harmony glared at him. "You ever wonder why all you get is misfortune Herbert? If I'm being honest and I always am! You all shouldn't even need a queen to make all your decisions, just use your damn common sense and work together! Stay away from the seven deadly sins. Especially greed, trust me, I met him. He fucking sucks. But anyway you all want to know my secret? Why I'm undefeated? Why Hades is stronger than he ever was? Consider this my last good deed for this fucked up mortal world for all of you."

I see you're driven by your detestation

Your every step is stoked with animus

You need a different type of motivation

Or there's no way that you can handle this

I know you're thirstin' for vengeance

You we're out for blood

But you'll only stand a chance if you're out for love

Out for love, love

Think of who you care about

Protect them and be out

For love, love

You're gonna fight without gloves

Long as you're out for love

Fuel yourself with the fear of losin'

That somebody who's your reason to live

Harnеss your heart and you can't help choosin'

To fight with all you can give

I know you'rе thirstin' for vengeance,

You're out for blood

But you'll only stand a chance if you're out for love

Out for love, love

Think of who you care about

Protect them and be out

For love, love

You're gonna fight without gloves

And when that push comes to shove

Yeah, you just might rise above

Long as you're out for love

With a large cloud of smoke Harmony disappeared leaving her crown behind.

Harmony in Hazbin Hotel: Daughter of Resilience, Power and Entertainment.Where stories live. Discover now