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It was two am, and Willow was on the brink of sleep. That's when there was a knock on her door. When she opened it, she found one Adrian Chase wearing his busboy uniform with a goofy smile. " Hey."

" Hey." She opened the door even more for him to come inside.

" So what are we watching tonight?"

" I've got the perfect thing." Willow turns on the TV, finds the movie Alien, and presses play. Having seen this movie, she watches but also watches his reaction to see if he's as into it as she is. And she was not disappointed the man was on the edge of his seat the entire movie.

" We've been hanging out after work for a while now, and I..."

" You want any snacks? By the way, what is your favorite snack?" Willow stands in the kitchen, scavenging through her cabinets, looking for anything to eat.

Adrian grinned, appreciating Willow's easygoing nature. "Snacks? Uh, surprise me! I'm not too picky when it comes to food."

As Willow searched for snacks in the kitchen, Adrian hesitated momentarily before continuing, "You know, Willow, we've been hanging out after work for a while now, and I've really enjoyed our time together."

Still focused on her snack mission, Willow smiled and responded, "Me too. It's been great having you around."

Adrian took a deep breath, trying to find the right words. "I've noticed something, though. Something beyond just enjoying the movies and hanging out. There's a connection between us, you know? Like those moments we've shared—the comforting times, that kiss on the cheek, the way we look at each other when we think the other isn't watching."

Willow turned to face him, a curious expression on her face. Adrian continued, "I wanted to say that I value what we have, and I was wondering if you feel the same way."

Their eyes met, and momentarily, the room seemed to hold its breath. Willow's smile softened, and she replied, "Adrian, I feel it too. It's something special, and I also value our time together."

The atmosphere in the room shifted subtly, becoming warmer as they both acknowledged the unspoken connection that had been growing between them. It wasn't a cheesy confession but a genuine acknowledgment of something meaningful that had developed between two colleagues who had found more than friendship in their shared moments.


Peacemaker sits in his trailer eating some kind of mush when there is a knock at his door. " Come in, Adrian!" Adrain walks in in his Vigilante suit with a look of confusion on his face.

" How did you know it was me?"

" You knock in a very annoying way." They see that Goff made a peace symbol on the inside of her jar with the nectar fed to her. The two men sat on Peacemaker's couch in front of the Butterfly. " Okay, Goff. One tap is "yes". Two taps is "no." Do you understand?"

One tap

" Okay, Goff... is that a peace sign?"


" Ooh. Goff, what's your favorite color?"

" Dude, it's...it's yes or no questions I just said it."

" Right. Okay, yeah... Goff, is your favorite color teal?"

" Bro, what the fuck?"

" What ? I'm gonna go through all the colors, and then eventually, we'll find out which ones he likes best."

" Yeah, and why would you give a fuck what his favorite color is, and why are you starting with teal?"

" You don't think it's interesting that a praying mantis thing has a favorite color and it might unexpectedly be teal?"

" That is madly interesting, but he just drew a peace sign on the jar. Don't we wanna see what's up with that?"

" Yes, we do. Goff, why did you put a peace sign on the jar?"

The police surround Peacemaker's trailer.

" Goff, are the Butterflies here to eat our flesh like the aliens from Pitch Black?"

Tap Tap

" Goff, are you here to put babies in us like in Alien?"

Tap Tap

Adrain sighs with disappointment.

" Dude, you're upset about that?"

" Well, how else I'm gonna experience motherhood?"

Vigilante's phone goes off the ringer, being Barbie Girl. " Who is this?"

" Vigilante, have you seen Peacemaker?"


Peacemaker finishes playing an emotional song on the piano in HQ when Vigilante walks in. "Dude, I thought you said you didn't write a diary?"

Adebayo packs her bag and watches the news as the police make the announcement that Peacemaker is now the number one suspect in multiple murders.

Peacemaker and Vigilante watch from HQ " What the fuck?"

Willow watches from her living room floor as she finishes doing her crunches. "Those mother fuckers." 

Woman with Green Eyes {a.chase}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن