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  Chris wakes up to see Judo Master in front of him eating Flaming Hot Cheetos. To the right of him, tied up, was Vigilante, and to the left, tied the same way, was Willow. He tries to intimidate the small man, but it doesn't work. Then, finally, Goff walks in and tells him something. The small man gets up and takes off. "What's going on," a groggy Willow asks, finally waking up.

Noticing her situation, she tries to get loose but isn't successful. Goff powers up the torture device. Walking over to Vigilante, he goes to take his mask off.

" Wait, wait. Wait, wait, no, no, no!" As soon as the mask was removed, Vigilante started making funny faces.

"What are you doing?"

" If I keep changing my facial expressions, he won't be able to recognize me in a lineup!" Chris rolls his eyes. At this point, everything sounded like it was underwater for Willow. After that, everything was blurry and muffled.

" You need to tell me, what you know, how you know it, and who sent you. Otherwise, you will know pain unlike ever before."

"I'm not telling you shit!" One of the clips he attached to Vigilante's balls shocks him with electricity. And he screams in pain.

" Fuck!"

" Does that change your mind?"

"Sorry, pal, not for sale."


" Give it all you got!"

Goff holds up a finger, takes the other clips, and walks over to Willow. He clips it to her arm. " No, no, no, no!" Goff turns on the machine again, and this time Willow lets out the most painful scream you could ever hear.

Once the third shock is done, Willow can hear Vigilante groaning and whimpering.

That's kinda hot

Her eyesight finally focuses.

" Hey. Aren't you Gut Chase's younger brother? The one that's playing D&D all the time?"

" Since then I've turned my body into an instrument of vengeance."

" Dude that's admirable. Your body's way more toned than it used to be."


" I mean, you were always wiry, but solid frame. Good foundation, I guess."


" Hey, hey. Don't worry. I'm not giving this guy anything."

" Uh, maybe you could just give him a little?"

" Adrian?"

The two men looked to the left, noticing that Willow could comprehend what was happening around her.

" Oh hey, Willow."

" So, pure pain couldn't get you to talk. What about the fear of losing something more permanent, like a toe? I'll start with the pinky." Chris doesn't give him any information, so Goff cuts off Adian's pinky toe. That was until there was an explosion. Causing Chris to be freed from the ropes tying him and sending Willow flying to the side still tied up.

Goff tries to kill Chris, but he gets the upper hand and blows his face off with his shotgun. Chris goes to untie Adrian. "Smith? Smith?"

" We're okay. We're down here."

" I think he only cut off about half my toe. I need to put my mask back on in case they come down. Chris hands Adrian his mask, and he stands up. A bug then comes flying out of Goff's blown-apart head. "What the..." 

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