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  Looking for that busboy that ran off, Willow was starting to give up. That was until she came upon the back alley behind the restaurant. "Hey, the... the reason I'm excited, it is normal. Uh, I just found out this girl that I'm seeing, she's pregnant, you know?" That's all the person he was talking to got out of that.

" You got a girlfriend?" Not wanting for him to embarrass himself any longer, Willow walked into the alleyway, making her presence known. "There you are. I've been looking for you. I'm his girlfriend."

" Yeah. Uh, this is Sharon, uh, Osborn. Uh, not... the one that you may know. I mean, obviously," He gestures to Willow, standing beside him.

" Why are you always trying to get me to set you up with my cousin?" Willow's eyes widen, and she slowly turns her head toward the busboy.

" Well, I wouldn't... I wouldn't say, like, "girlfriend," you know?"

" But you're happy she's pregnant?"

" Yeah. Because we are going to have an abortion."

" Yup...time to deletus the fetus," Willow tried to say without laughing.

" Well, yeah, good luck."

"Thank you. Yeah. Hey, you're invited if you..."

" I don't wanna come to your abortion, man." The dishwasher walks back into the restaurant through the backdoor. Leaving the "couple" alone.

" Fuck yea! Peacemaker baby." He then looks at the strawberry blonde and holds out his hand. "Adrian Chase. Thanks for saving me back there."

Willow grabs his hand and shakes it. " Willow Palmer. No problem." She turns and walks out of the ally heading back to the parking lot where Adebayo and Peacemaker are talking. Noticing that Chris's pet eagle was in his back seat, she resisted the urge to ask the question again.

But apparently, it was written on her face. "You can try to pet him." She reaches into the back seat and scratches the top of the eagle's head.

Back in the restaurant, Adrian feels something in his hand and opens it. In his hand was a single slip of paper with a phone number. 

Woman with Green Eyes {a.chase}Where stories live. Discover now