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The team is loading up the truck for the mission. Peacemaker starts talking about how homunculi freak him out. "Oh, shit. Is Project Butterfly homunculi that team up with hard-bodied sluts that wanna control us?

" No, but who's the guy that's peeking out behind the trashcan?"

Everyone looks over to see a blue and black mask duck behind the dumpster. " Fuck, it's... it's Vigilante. He's trying to be helpful."

" Hey! Get outta here," Harcourt yells at him.

" What? I'm just looking from behind a trashcan. It's a normal thing to do."

" The hell it is!"

" Are you a psychiatrist?"

" What?"

" Then don't tell me what's normal! Maybe my secret identity is a psychiatrist and I know what's normal."

" If you're a psychiatrist, we're all screwed. Get the fuck out of here!" Vigilante starts to walk off but makes a U-turn.

" I was about to go, then you had to say that. Now if I acquiesce, I'll look and feel small."

" Vij, bro, come on. Be cool."

" I just wanna make sure you're okay. I don't trust these people." Willow then walks out the back door to the building, putting more ammo into her gun. " Most of these people." Not noticing that Vigilante showed to the conversation, Willow looks up from what she's doing.

"Oh, hey, Vij." He then continues on a long rant on how none of the people in the group would make a great best friend for Peacemaker, then runs off.

"Isn't that guy wanted on multiple counts of murder?"

" Yes, yes, he is." Adebayo looks at Willow with a "wtf" look. Then, not noticing she said that out loud, she walked off in embarrassment.

The team drives the street in a white van. Murn pulls out a tablet and starts debriefing the mission. "Our target is Senator Royland Goff. He's mostly known for being a radical proponent of climate change."

" Okay, so we're gonna kill him 'cause climate change is a hoax?"

"Why do all people that think that pro wrestling is real think climate change is a hoax? It's not a hoax."

Peacemaker scoffs at Adebayo, "Yea, okay. Facebook's lying to me every day for no reason."

Willow sighs from next to Harcourt. "You're a fucking idiot."

" Senator Goff is a Butterfly, and we need to take him out. Next photo."

Adebayo swipes to the next photo, not realizing the following image. Both Chris and Willow start laughing but both for different reasons. One being because he finds it funny and the other because she's uncomfortable.

When they finally get to their location, everyone starts getting into position. "Oh, I'm all for it. One thing I'm in favor of, it's two chicks going at it."

"Why are we still on this dumb conversation?"

" Because Williow, I'm an ally."

"Having a lesbian haircut doesn't make you an ally."

Night falls, and everyone is in position. Willow, Peacemaker, and Harcourt take watch on the family. Ready to shoot when they are in sight. The family gets out of the vehicle and walks into the house out of range for Peacemaker to make the shot. This means that everyone would have to be there overnight. The three were silent, listening to the chirping frogs in the night.

That was until Willow saw Chris look at Harcourt in a way. "I'm going to scope out the area. You two behave." Not getting any answer, she stands up and walks into the woods. After walking for a while, she turns around to go back. As she walks up the hill, she trips. A hand lands on her waist, keeping her from hitting the ground. Looking up, she notices Vigilante is the one that caught her from falling into the dirt.

"Hey, what are you doing here?"

" Oh...you know, checking up on things." Adebayo, Murn, and Economs listen through Willow's earpiece in the van.

" Ten bucks says they get together."

" Deal."

Chris had a shot to take out the family of Butterflies. But Vigilante took over and took out three out of four of them. He was about to take the fourth shot until Judomaster showed up and beat everyone's ass. Willow was the second one to be down. She tried to drop kicked the little shit in the neck, but she wasn't ready when he grabbed her foot and threw her into a tree. A crunch was heard when she connected with it. Then she was down for the count.

After her, it was Vigilante. Once down, Goff came out of the brush with a shotgun. "Let's get them inside." 

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