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Metal clangs in the pipes as the team sets up their new headquarters. " Hey, new girl, get your shit off there."


"This is the only desk with sun. Take the one in the middle."

"This is the worst HQ of all time." Finally, the front door opens, and a woman enters with a suitcase.

" What's up, ass hats? Where should I put my shit?" Harcourt turns around and looks at her. "Took you long enough."

Noticing that there was a new addition to the team, the ginger introduced herself. "Willow Palmer."

"Leota Adebayo" They both shake hands, and Willow starts to set up her area. But the metal clangs again, and it starts to piss off Economos.

"You guys hear that right? It's not just me?

" We hear what?"

" The fuckin pi...Oh. Nice gaslighting." Harcourt chuckles, and Willow tries to hide the smirk on her face.

Later, they all sat in a restaurant called Fennel Fields, waiting for Peacemaker to show up.

He enters the restaurant in full costume, grabs a menu, and sits down. "Why are you in your costume?"

He scoffs at Harcourt. "Costume, this is a uniform. And it's brand new, so I gotta stretch it out, make it more comfortable before I go on a mission."

" Maybe I'm stupid, but why would you even want to wear that on a mission? A bright red shirt and white pants aren't exactly conducive to lurking in the shadows."

"People see this uniform, it strikes fear in their hearts."

"What people? The other people at the Village People tryouts?" Economos chuckles at Harcourt's joke. Murn then asks that everyone thinks... well, not Willow. She had a different question. " Why is there a Bald Eagle in your car?"

"Yea. And... can I pet it." Murn rolls his eyes at the stupid question that she just asked.

They then get into a minor dispute over Chris's misunderstanding of sexual harassment.

"Why is that busboy staring at you?" Everyone looks over to see a blond guy with glasses looking at us. He notices us looking at him and waves. Willow picks up her hand and waves back, but Harcourt grabs it and puts it back on the table.

"I think that's my friend Gut Chase's younger brother. He has mental issues." The busboy walks away.

"Hey, can I get out for five seconds," Willow asks. Harcourt sighs, knowing why she has to let the girl out of the booth in the first place. As soon as she gets out, Willow heads off in the direction the busboy went in.  

Woman with Green Eyes {a.chase}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ