Issue 34: Magically Magical Magic

Start from the beginning

" adopted them?" Luz asked as she stood up and began walking with Eda. "And by the way, I can totally babysit!"

"I'll hold ya up on that offer." Eda said. "And yeah. While I was still learning all this fancy technological knowhow, I discovered them in a temple that was completely isolated from everything else. King's what we call a Titan and Orion's a Collector."

"Oh, I'm a collector too!" Luz smiled. "But what the heck's a Titan?"

Eda snorted. "Yeahhhh, no. A Titan and a Collector are basically Gods."

Luz's jaw dropped. "OH...SO, THEY'RE-?"

"Not yet." Eda said. "Their powers are significantly weaker, but given their species, they'll likely grow stronger. The Titans and Collectors have a long history, but then we'd be here all day!"

"B-BUT! BUT! YOU CAN'T JUST SAY THAT AND LEAVE IT THERE!" Luz cried. "My theorist brain needs answers!!!"

"And you'll get them, just not all of them today." Eda said. "But The Titans are where your powers came from...sadly, King's the only one left."

"What about his dad...?" Luz asked, tilting her head.

Then, the two arrived in a room, where Orion and King were patiently waiting by a door...with an entirely new realm inside. King and Orion giggled before they rushed inside, with Eda and Luz following.

And through the portal door was a realm beyond Luz's wildest dreams. The grass and trees were a dusty red instead of green, the sky was almost purple in color, and she was looking at a gigantic colossal skeleton that she couldn't even see completely since she could only see the head, yet, in the distance, were its ribs.

And much closer was a town. Each building had a modernized yet almost medieval and demonic feel to it. And the people were no different.

Humanoid or completely beast like or all of the above were walking through the town like normal.

It was almost too much for Luz to handle, and it rendered her as still as a statue.

King poked her. "Mom, is she okay...?"

"She's fine, sweetie. Just give her a sec."

And after about a minute, Luz was smiling wide. "I NEED TO GO DOWN THERE NOW. THIS IS, LIKE, THE BEST DAY OF MY LIFE!!!"

"Hey, now, calm down." Eda said. "Not every witch is as friendly as I am. So, walk with us and I'll explain where your powers come from...jeez, so much explaining to do."

"Explain away, please! Again! My theorist brain needs answers!" Luz cried as they all began walking. "Titans are the source of my powers."

"That's me!" King smiled. "Or, rather, my dad and the rest of my kind!"

"Heh! I was just adopted into the family, but I did get to watch King hatch!" Orion said.

"And we're walking on him. The very carcass that makes The Boiling Isles." Eda said.

Luz's eyes widened in horror and she looked at King and Orion. " two are okay, right?"

"Yeah, we...we've gotten used to it." Orion said. "Besides, Dad knew it was gonna happen. And...I dunno, it's like he's still with us or something."

Luz's heart clenched. 'They lost their dad too...'

Eda gently ruffled Orion's hair before continuing. "Your powers consist of the four gylphs that were the language of The Titans, which helped grant them their magic. You've discovered three, one of which has been altered from light to...spider webs, I guess."

"Ohhhhh! Cool!!!" Luz smiled. "So, web, ice, and fire! What's the fourth?"

"That's plant. You'll be able to make cool vines and such." Eda explained. "But somehow, the four main gylphs were transferred into you."

Luz hummed. "Actually, I only got these powers after a spider bit me. So, maybe it was a spider from here?"

Eda scratched her chin. "It's possible, but it's more likely that the gylphs just transferred to the spider and after it bit you, it went into you next...that still brings up how it got into the spider, but I think you get it."

Luz nodded. "So, my powers came from the language of gods! Gotcha! That info's locked in my brain!"

"Lucky. I haven't even got mine yet." King pouted.

Luz just smiled kindly. "I'm sure you will, King!"

"Yeah! You totally will, baby bro!" Orion smiled, giving his brother a hug.

King giggled. "Thanks."

Luz's heart melted before she looked back at Eda. "So, now that we know how I got my powers even with a looming mystery still over it...mind showing me around this awesome place?!"

Eda hummed before she grinned. "Y'know what? Why not? Something tells me you'll fit right in anyway."

Luz smiled wide before hearing a witch suddenly scream the moment her Spider-Sense went off.


Luz whipped her head around and then saw a hulking beast covered head to toe in white fur and with a large mouth with razor sharp teeth. Her eyes narrowed and she transformed, swinging right in.

The Slitherbeast growled and then roared at Spider-Witch, before suddenly shooting out a blast of purple goo right from its mouth.

Spider-Witch yelped and front flipped right onto its back. "Hey! Sticking people to the ground is my schtick! You start making quips and I'll sue!"

The Slitherbeast roared louder and tried to get her off like a bull would its rider, but Spider-Witch jumped off its back and then webbed two of its legs to the ground.

But then, suddenly, two witches ran over and spun strange circles into the air. Suddenly, vines erupted from the ground and tied The Slitherbeast's other legs down.

Then, a third witch stood beside Spider-Witch spun another circle and it went towards the Slitherbeast, and moments later, the growling stopped and it started to calm down.

"Whoa...what'd you do?" Spider-Witch asked.

"Beast-keeping spell." The witch replied. "The poor thing's just upset."

Spider-Witch hummed and then walked over to the Slitherbeast before she found a bunch of thorns in its side, quite literally. Her eyes softened and she started picking them out one by one.

The Slitherbeast was then freed from the vines and webs and it looked at Spider-Witch...before licking her like a dog would their owner.

Spider-Witch blinked, her suit covered in purple slime. She was silent before she laughed and began petting the beast. "Awwww, you're not so scary now, aren't ya?"

Eda, Orion, and King then walked over, with Eda whistling. "What I tell ya, kid? You already fit in."

"Do we have a pet now?" King asked.


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