"I'm bout to whip it like I'm lightning McQueen" I eyed her as she laughed. The guys would have to wait another day. I wasn't passing up any opportunity to hang with my lady.

"Get a little girlfriend and forget about me huh" I moved my glance as my aunt stood there smiling.

"Auntie I'm glad you could make it" I gave her a hug as she rubbed my back supportively. "This my girlfriend Normani"

"Oh chile we met, I teased her about the poster earlier, it's adorable"

"People thought I was a whole groupie" Mani said making us chuckle.

"Julian come here" my dad spoke waving his finger.

"I'll be right back" they nodded engrossing into conversation as I walked over to the huge group of people. I could tell from the stance, that the guy talking to my dad was a scout.

"This is my son Julian" I glanced at my dad seeing the hugest smile on his face. "This is Mr.Avion, he's a scout from Miami"

"How you doing sir" he smiled shaking my hand.

"How you doing Julian, you know we've been watching you since freshman year"

"Really?" He nodded.

"After today's game, your potential is at all time high and more teams are more than likely going to reach out to you. How do you feel about taking basketball to pro level?"

"Oh that's all he talks about, it's been his dream ever since he could dribble" my dad said as I eyed him. Mr.Avion smiled.

"That's what I like to hear, if this is something you want to take more seriously. We start boot camp next semester in preparation for the NBA drafts" he passed me a card before patting my shoulder. I stared at the card in disbelief.

"I'm so proud of you son" I looked at my father before making my way to the locker room.

"I thought I wasn't shit" I reminded him. When he tried to compare me to my cousin, it felt like he was trying to strike a nerve.

"You know I didn't mean that" he tapped at that card. "Seize this opportunity, live up to Harris name"

"Dad" I sighed pinching my nose.

"We'll talk more about this Monday, enjoy your weekend" he smiled walking away. I pushed the door open as I spotted a few of my teammates preparing to leave. I slapped hands with a few of them before going to my locker. I looked over seeing Caleb mugging me before whispering something underneath his breath.

"What 'ya say?" I asked crossing my arms.

"Coach told us to work as a team but of course you always steal all of the attention"

"It was less than 10 seconds left, I took the shot for the team" He scoffed.

"Bullshit, Alvin was open. You could've cost us the game"

"But I didn't, it's not even that deep" I muttered taking off my jersey.

"You'll never understand what it's like to grind everyday just for these whack ass team to notice your hard work. Instead they see your last name and think your goated"

"Get out my face bro, nobody is getting handouts"

"It should've been you instead of Hillary that night"

"Damn Caleb, you know we use to be cool at a point and for you to point fingers like that night was my fault is crazy" —I looked at him as he balled his fists—"Everything has been rooted by your deep jealousy with me, get over it"

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