second trial: card games on motorcycle

Start from the beginning

Alban: so (y/n), what do you think your next trial is going to be about?

He asked him, but he didn't respond for a bit. Until he finally answered.

(y/n): probably something even easier for me.

He said, but he did after a few seconds after Alban asked the questions. Like he had a delayed reaction.

Alban: Well with your skill, a lot of things seem easy. I'm kind of jealous.

He said nervously, but once again (y/n) didn't respond immediately. In fact he stayed silent, like he was ignoring Alban. At this point, it was starting to get on the nerves of Ablan.

Alban: ah come on man! Why do you have to keep ignoring me!

(y/n): maybe it's because I don't want to talk to you.

He responded immediately.

Alban: But why!

(y/n): because you're annoying.

He responded immediately once again. Annoying Alban once more.

Alban: Come on man! Don't you want to interact with someone now that you're out of Slum city! Don't you want to finally make friends that are kind to you and care about you!

He screamed back at him, they were having their usual argument again. "Why don't you make friends?" "you're no longer in Slum city, you don't have to be so aggressive." "you don't have to worry about anything anymore, just." it was all just annoying (y/n). Especially when he brings up the friends part.

(y/n): friends, who need them. They act like they care about you and they'll act like they will always have your back and act like you're irreplaceable. But the second they're offer something bigger, they'll stab you in the back and abandon you.

He said in a cold tune, irritated by Alban consten mentions of friends. From that comet alone Alban could tell that (y/n) didn't have the best of friends in his life.

Alban: jes, what kind of friends did you have in your life that made you this fucked up?

He asked worriedly.

(y/n): the worst kind, now shut up. My second trial should start in a few minutes.

He demanded Alban with an annoyed voice. Just wanting to do his second trial by now instead of listening to Alban. Alban was saddened to hear this. (y/n) was still cold as ever, still affected by his past. One that he had trouble letting go off. It did seem like he had anyone in his life that cared about him, because of this. Alban sometimes considers himself somewhat lucky since at least he had someone that did care about him when he was in Slum city. So for all he knows, (y/n) was all alone for most of his time in Slum city. But Alban wanted to make sure that (y/n) knew that he doesn't need to feel alone anymore.

Alban: hey (y/n).

He said to catch his attention.

(y/n): what?

He said in annoyance.

Alban: I'll be your friend.

He said in a cheerful voice. Getting (y/n)'s attention.

Alban: And I'll make a promise with you. I'll promise you that I'll always have your back and that I'll never leave you.

He said with a smile on his face, hoping to bring some comfort to (y/n). Though he just seemed annoyed like always.

(y/n): yeah whatever, promises are meant to be broken. So let's see how long you can keep that promise.

He said in a deep angered voice.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21 ⏰

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