first day of school

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(y/n) was sleeping in his bed while Alban just got out of his as he was now getting ready for his first day of school which in a way, he was excited for. This could be the day where he could make more friends as he was growing in Slum city, he didn't have any. The only person he could really call a friend with at the time was probably his dad, but then sadly he was taken away from him when he was caught by VFS officers. But now he's going to do it, he's going to make some friends and live life to the fullest like he father wanted to. To be a person who enjoys life and doesn't have to fear that there was going to be a tomorrow for them. This was his opportunity of a lifetime and he ain't going to screw it up.

As he gets ready for his first day of class. He watches as (y/n) sleeps in his bed seemingly to not wake anytime soon. He was finishing getting ready as he walked over to (y/n). (y/n) was his roommate and friend, even though (y/n) himself won't admit it because he's a tsundere. He was going to be a good roommate and better friend and wake him so he wasn't late for his first day of school. So Alban reached his hand out for (y/n) to wake him up.

Alban: wakey wakey, time to get up for school.

He said as he went to wake up (y/n) with his hand, when his hand reached near (y/n), one of (y/n)'s immediately grabbed Alban's hand and held on with a tight grip. Which in turn caused Alban to scream in a panic. Alban tried to break free but (y/n) held on to Alban's wrist with a tight grip basically making it impossible to break free though that didn't stop Ablan from trying to. Alban kept on pulling and pulling trying to break free from (y/n)'s clutches. As he kept on pulling, (y/n) finally started to wake up from the noise that Ablan was making. Once he woke up, he saw that Alban was trying to break free from his clutches so he decided to let go of Alban which in turn caused Alban to fall to the ground pretty hard as he was still pulling away.

Alban: ow, ow, ow! Why did you grab me!

(y/n): expect the unexpected. When you grow up in Slum city and make a lot of enemies, you need to be ready just in case someone tries to kill you in your sleep.

Alban: But we're not in Slum city anymore! We're at duel academy so you don't have to go acting like people here are going to hurt you or even kill you.

(y/n): well Alban, you have to be ready for anything especially in places that seem peaceful. Never let your guard down and be prepared no matter what.

Alban: jes man, can't you just calm down a bit. Relax for a bit, you're no longer in Slum city, you're finally at a better place for once. Better sleeping area, better food, better conditions, hopefully better people to make friends. What's not to love?

(y/n): the people here, it's obvious they don't know we're from slum city so once they know, people are going to hate us. Therefore, they would want to hurt us.

Alban: they won't find out that we're from Slum city, stop being paranoid about this and just have fun.

(y/n): i don't know what fun is other than it being a word.

Alban: god did Slum city really fucked you up that much.

(y/n): of course it did. Now stop bothering me.

Alban: oh come on man. You're no longer in Slum city anymore, you can finally learn what fun it is, and make friends, be happy for once. Don't you want that, to be with people that care for you and be happy.

He said trying to plead with (y/n) as he wanted to see some like to be happy, he didn't know the guy too much. In fact, he only knew (y/n) for a week and he still doesn't understand (y/n) all that much. All he knows is that (y/n) is brooding and hates other people for no reason, he didn't seem to want to be here at all. He could understand why though, when you grow up in Slum city, a lot of things are ruined for you, especially your life. So moving on from Slum city and going back to normal will definitely be hard to move on from. Now he thinks about it, Ablan and (y/n) are probably the first people to ever leave Slum city. Which many consider to be impossible and many still do because they even know that they're from Slum city.

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