escaping slum city

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a/n ( hey guys. Sorry that I made you wait for a while for another chapter to come out. Now if you're wondering if Zaion will be staying or not. The answer is no. She is not. Sorry to disappoint you but that's just how I feel about it. It's my story and I can do whatever I want with it. The reason I'm not keeping Zaion is because I no longer feel comfortable writing about her. The things she did were bad. Her actions could have affected others and from what I saw and heard, she didn't care. She had weeks to get her shit together and approved but she decided she didn't want to. So that is why Zaion will not be staying. I'm sorry. For the other chapters, I'll just replace her name with Ver. I hope you understand. )

The headmaster and Ver were in the headmaster's room talking to Amelia about her duel against (y/n).

Headmaster: So you lost.

Amelia: pretty much yeah.

Ver: why am i not surprised.

Amelia: hey! Shut up! I don't see you dueling him! He is a lot stronger than he looks.

Ver: well maybe i should duel him myself!

Headmaster: you will not. And Amelia, please tell me you have at least more information for us.

Amelia: I don't really have any more information to say about him other than he has a hoverboard and that he might need therapy.

Headmaster: a hoverboard?

Amelia: Yeah, a hoverboard.

Ver: I thought people from slum cities aren't allowed to have hoverboards, or even duel runners. How does he have a hoverboard?

Amelia: He must have built it himself.

Ver: he built his own in Slum city..

Headmaster: just like Alban's father.

Ver: So what now?

Headmaster: if he built his hoverboard then he must be planning to escape Slum city. And there is only one way to escape Slum city.

Time skip

(y/n) what in a random building trying to hide from anyone at this point. It has seemed that all of a sudden that people just wanted him out of nowhere. All because of him seemingly being a spirit duelist which he didn't even know was even a thing. Duel academy, strange robots and monsters, and even what he is assuming is a cult are all hunting for him. Though (y/n) was waiting for a little bit more to leave Slum city, he didn't no longer wanted to leave as he didn't want to deal with the next person's bullshit anymore. But before he was planning to leave, he decided to change his deck a bit, adding new cards while replacing others. He decided if he was going to go to diamond city, he should imminently look for the people who had screwed him over before he could be caught. From what he can tell, no one has ever escaped Slum city and he doesn't want to find out what will happen to him if he is recapture. So he got his new deck and his hoverboard and went to where he was going to escape Slum city.

(y/n): once i get out of this hell hole. I'll make sure when I meet "them". I'll make sure they know what it is like to be left with nothing but scars.

(y/n) then got up and left to prepare to leave Slum city once and for all.

Time skip

There he was, he was approaching the sewer plant to escape Slum city and leave this life behind to settle some score with people he knew. He didn't think it would be easy but he can only hope for once in his life this could be easy because after this, living in Slum city will not be the hardest part of his life anymore.

(y/n): god, for once, give me something easy for me for once.

He said as he approached the gate of the sewer plant. He went ast fast as the hoverboard could let him go as he wanted to hurry up the progress. He went faster and faster as he jumped over the gates.

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