the detective

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In duel academy, the headmaster and ver were going over the video of (y/n) beating the robot, Vox, and Gura.

Headmaster: so he knows how to XYZ summon.

ver: Do you think he knows any other summoning methods?

Headmaster: probably. How is Amelia research on this guy going?

ver: she said it's going good and that soon she'll go after this guy with the information she has right now.

Headmaster: good, hopefully she gives him a challenge because no one else has yet.

With amelia

Amelia was going over the information that she had with this spirit duelist. Analyzing every detail she could go on and try to identify him. She was, after all, a detective. A really good one at best. With the footage she was given, she looked at his strategies to see what she can do to beat him and what to inspect during their duel. Though it might be hard because it's most likely that he has more strategies then she is seeing.

Then out of nowhere Gura burst into her room

Gura: hey ame!

Amelia: ah! Don't scare me like that!

Gura: sorry! So what are you doing?

Amelia: I am analyzing the spirit duelist that you fought so I can have a chance of beating him in a duel.

Gura: you remember about the burn damage he could do?

Amelia: yes i remember but that is my least of my worry.

Gura: Then what is?

Amelia: This guy has a deck that no one has, so therefore I'm at a bit of a disadvantage. But I think I understand what his strategy is.

Gura: What is it?

Amelia: It seems to be based on summoning a bunch of monsters on the field to XYZ summon and then ranking them up to monster that can destroy his enemy's monster and dealing burn damage but not only that, he had some protection to negate card that might destroy his card. he also has cards that can his monster stronger. but more importantly, he uses rank up magic to get to his stronger cards. 

Gura: So, he constantly destroys his opponent's monster and dealing burn damage. he is that fair!

Amelia: I don't think he cares at all about that.

Gura: So do you find anything else important about this guy?

Amelia: Yeah, I did.

Gura: really! What is it?

Amelia: You see, I've been analyzing his look.

Gura: don't tell me you're crushing on him.

Amelia: I'm not! It was hard though because his other eye seems to have a burn mark and is covered with bandages, but I find something really shocking. I know who his parents are and his real name.

Gura: You did!

Amelia: yeah but not only that but his brother as well.

Gura: really! Who is he? Maybe he can help us get this guy!

Amelia: Actually, I think it's best that I keep the secret to myself.

Gura: what why!

Amelia: It's probably for the best. Anyways, i think it's time that i finally face this guy in a one on one duel.

Gura: well good luck stinky!

Amelia then left her room to face of (y/n) in a duel. Once she left her room, she took out her deck to see the card she always play

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