Ning nodded in understanding, but Somi noticed that something was bothering her bubbly friend. "Care to share what's on your mind?" Somi asked gently because she was concerned for Ning.

Ning sighed and decided that she needed to tell someone and get it off her chest. She wanted to tell Minjeong about it, but the girl wasn't responding. "I may have confessed to someone today, and I got friend-zoned," she said. As soon as the words came out of her mouth, she felt herself tearing up again, but she didn't want to cry in front of Somi.

Somi noticed that the younger girl was about to cry, so she stood up, sat next to her, and pulled her into a hug. At first, Ning was surprised and tense, but then she felt relieved, and the tears started to fall.

After Ning calmed down, "wanna know a secret?" Somi asked. When the younger girl nodded into her chest, Somi pulled back from the hug and looked Ning in the eyes "I like someone who likes someone else" She confessed.

"It's Minjeong, right?" Ning said, and Somi's heart started pounding hard, wondering how Ning guessed right. "It was kind of obvious," Ning shrugged while laughing softly.

Somi was still stunned and asked, "How? Was it really that obvious?" She felt her cheeks heat up.

"I mean, the way you look at her. It was," Ning said, and Somi covered her face in embarrassment. "Don't worry, your secret is safe with me if you keep my secret safe," Somi looked up at Ning and waited for her to continue. "It's Aeri," Ning said, and Somi frowned a bit because she was a bit slow. "The one who I like," she confessed.

Is Aeri Jimin's sister?" Somi asked, and Ning nodded. "Holy shit!" Somi exclaimed. "Don't worry, Ning. You'll find someone soon," she assured, placing her hand on top of Ning's. Ning smiled, causing Somi's heart to melt.

Ning then pulled her hand away and coughed awkwardly. "So, where is Minjeong?" she asked, cursing herself for bringing her up when she noticed Somi's facial expression change.

Somi replaced her expression with a forced smile and replied, "She's with Jimin" She's the one who planned this, so she should be happy for her friend instead of being jealous when Minjeong isn't even hers or anything.

Ning asked Somi if she could tell her something, but not to get offended. Somi nodded curiously. "I ship Winrina more..." Ning mumbled softly, but it didn't hurt or offend Somi. It made her laugh loudly.

"Me too" She also confessed that she too ships Winrina, and they both started laughing and chatting, forgetting about their problems.


After Jimin dropped Minjeong off at college, she returned to her shared apartment with Ryujin and Yeji. When she entered, she noticed that it was unusually quiet inside. As she walked to her room, she saw a note attached to her door. Curious, she picked it up and began to read it.

Nothing is keeping me here anymore...

Ps: don't forget to invite me to the wedding ;)

As she looked at the note, she recognized the familiar handwriting of her friend Ryujin. However, she soon realized that Ryujin had left without even saying goodbye. As she read the note, she couldn't help but laugh at Ryujin's request to be invited to her wedding.

Feeling lonely in the apartment, she decided to go back to her parent's house. She missed them and didn't want to live alone anymore. Since most of her belongings were already in her room at her parent's house, packing her suitcase didn't take long. She made sure to finish packing early so she could pick up Minjeong from college.

Thinking about Minjeong, she couldn't help but smile. She decided to take her out for lunch after picking her up.

After spending a few hours packing and moving her belongings back to her parent's house and greeting them, Jimin realized it was already 2:00 PM, the time when she had to pick up Minjeong. She excused herself and left, got into her car, and drove to where Minjeong was.

As she arrived, Jimin spotted Minjeong talking to a guy, laughing with him, and for some unknown reason, it made Jimin feel irritated. Jimin rolled down her window and called out to Minjeong.

Minjeong looked up and saw Jimin, and her face lit up with a smile. She ignored the guy she was talking to, Jaemin, and walked towards Jimin's car without saying goodbye to him.

As soon as she entered the car, she greeted Jimin but noticed that she didn't reply. "Who was he?" she asked, and Minjeong felt nervous because of Jimin's tone.

"He's just a friend," Minjeong replied, and Jimin gritted her teeth and nodded.

"Are you hungry?" Jimin asked, and Minjeong nodded. "Great, let me take you out for lunch then," Jimin said with a smile. Minjeong wondered if it could be considered a date, but she knew that Jimin was aware of her engagement, so it was unlikely.


After having lunch, Minjeong and Jimin were on their way back to Minjeong's apartment. When they arrived, Minjeong invited Jimin in for a drink, although she wasn't sure if Somi was back yet.

To Minjeong's surprise, she had forgotten her key, but Jimin had the spare key and opened the door for them. They entered the apartment, which was quiet and in the same state as when they left. This made Minjeong worry about where was somi at.

"What do you want to drink?" Minjeong asked Jimin as she took off her jacket and threw it on the couch.

Jimin felt a sense of déjà vu as she answered, "Wine?" Minjeong nodded and went into the kitchen to pour two glasses of wine. She returned and placed the two glasses on the coffee table, then sat next to Jimin on the couch.

Jimin took a sip from her drink and asked, "So how are you and Somi?" This question caught Minjeong off guard.

She thought for a moment and replied, "We're more than great"

"Can you just stop lying to me, Minjeongie?' she said. She wants minjeong so bad that it's killing her. "I know you aren't engaged" minjeong felt like cold water was poured on her when jimin said that. "I like you and I know you feel the same way about me too" Jimin confessed.

"I don't feel the same way about you," Minjeong said. As soon as the words left her mouth, Jimin pulled her into her lap. Minjeong whimpered as she looked into Jimin's intense eyes.

"Do you want me to prove that you feel the same?" Jimin whispered seductively. When she didn't hear a response from Minjeong, she leaned in and crashed her lips into hers.

The kiss they shared was different from the one they had a year ago. It was gentle and full of love and passion. Jimin felt Minjeong deepening the kiss and smirked, knowing that she had proved her point.

Minjeong's hands were entangled with Jimin's hair. Jimin was holding Minjeong on her lap by her waist and her hands began to roam inside Minjeong's shirt. The younger girl let out a moan when Jimin squeezed her mound.

They pulled back, breathing heavily. "I want you to be mine, Minjeongie," Jimin said as she tucked some strands of hair out of Minjeong's face to get a better view of her.

"I am yours," Minjeong whispered, and leaned in to capture Jimin's lips in hers again. Their kiss was starting to get intense, but it was cut short when the front door opened, and they heard someone gasping.

Minjeong quickly pulled away from Jimin and turned to see who had arrived. Her heart sank when she realized who it was.

Sunoo was standing there with her mother behind her, both looking surprised. " left your key at the door and we came to see if you were okay," Sunoo explained, handing the key back to Minjeong.

As Minjeong examined the key, she saw that it was the one that jimin had. Jimin smiled apologetically and said, "Sorry, I forgot it," looking embarrassed.

"Minjeong, we need to talk," her mother said sternly. Minjeong felt tears welling up in her eyes as she realized that she had been out to her mother by accident.


Thoughts on this chapter?

Do you think it's gonna go well with Minjeong's mother or not? 🧐

Comment to kindly don't and vote forget xoxoxo...

A/N: I wrote this chapter half-asleep so if you see any mistakes feel free to correct me...

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