Valiant effort

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I crept down into my lap, crying my eyes out in the passenger seat. He had already driven out of the parking lot. I realized I had dropped my phone inside the hospital when he was dragging me out, so I had no chance of alerting the police. He drove for what felt like forever.

The ride was long and silent with the occasional sobbing and silent cries from me.

The sun had set, and it was pitch black outside when he turned in at an unlit road.
He parked by a remote cabin in the forest.
He got out of the car and then opened the passenger door and offered his hand.
I got out of the car, ignoring his offer.

I quickly looked around at my new surroundings. There wasn't much but what seemed like trees. It was too dark to tell where we were in the dark. He forced me to take his hand and led me into the cabin.

It was small but not tiny. If it were in different circumstanceses it would be a really nice and cozy summer getaway cabin.
I was so hungry that I was about to pass out. He noticed my fragile state and ordered me to sit down on the living room couch. I did so, and he went into the connected kitchen and opened the fridge and grabbed something, and came back and handed me strawberry yogurt. He said that was all he had for now. I practically gulped the yogurt down in one go.

I scanned my  new surroundings and saw there were at least two rooms and a bathroom. There seemed to also be a possible loft. I wasn't sure if I could be brave enough to explore the cabin with him around.

He told me he hadn't expected this so soon, so he had limited food options. He went back into the kitchen, making something that I took no notice to. I wanted to be brave and take a quick look around. I stood up quietly, trying to breathe slowly after crying so much. He was too focused on whatever he was making. I didn't think he would notice me sneaking around.

I went around looking at the rooms. I miss calculated his focus, and he looked back at the couch to see me gone. I was already in the first room.
There was a nice double bed with arranged pillows. I walked further into the room. There was a painting on one of the walls opposite the bed of a woman. She seemed so recognizable. I felt like I knew her somehow.

He was suddenly standing in the doorway looking at me. I jumped up a little spooked to see him. I was in a trance when looking at the painting again. He didn't say anything just stood in the doorway menacingly. I didn't want to aggravate him, so I apologized for snooping around. He didn't say anything back he just stood there and stared back at me.

He finally decided to move and walk towards me and took my hand again, and led me into the living room. I sat back on the couch, and he went back into the kitchen. There was a terrifying silence between us.

He started cooking something on the stove. I didn't want to be brave anymore, so I just sat still on the couch. There was an old out of date tv collecting dust in the corner of the living room. I wondered if he had been here for long before he started stalking me. What if he isn't the owner of this cabin? What if he did something to the last owner. What if-.
I started having difficulty breathing again, and I felt nauseous.

I could smell something appealing in the air. It took my mind away from my thoughts for a few seconds.
He plated whatever he had been making and placed it on the kitchen table. He then pulled back a seat and directed me to sit. I did as he told me to. He had been cooking a steak. It looked lovely, but I wasn't sure if I had the appetite to eat. What if this was like a last meal before I'm-

he told me to eat it before it got cold, staring at it would do me no good. I finished half of it before I completely gave up. I had no desire to finish it. I was afraid that would offend him, and he would kill me right there in the kitchen chair.
I apologize for not being able to finish my meal. I expected him to be just a little bit offended, but instead, he just took my plate and told me to go sit in the living room again. He looked quite content.

I was overwhelmed with anxiety and sadness at this point. My nausea came back, and I knew I needed to find the bathroom quickly before I was too late. Instead of asking, I just barged up and started opening the last two doors, and the last door was a bathroom. I got just in time and vomited profusely into the toilet. Merle missed the toilet but got just in time. He must be furious by now. I couldn't even hold the food down for a few minutes.

I didn't hear him come into the bathroom, but he was suddenly holding my hair back for me as I leaned over the toilet bowl. I leaned back, and he let go and told me to take it easy. I let myself seep down into the floor. I was so exhausted. He took a damp towl and wiped my face. I wasn't sure what his intent was with me still. I couldn't fight back even if I wanted to anymore. He had picked me up from the floor because I was suddenly in bed in the other room I had yet to explore. I closed my eyes and drifted into a dream state.

I had a dream that I was the woman in the painting I saw. She had a little boy with her. She was just doing her daily chores and going about her day. I could tell she was neither rich nor poor. She looked to be on the poorer side.

By the end of the dream, there hadn't been anyone but her and that little boy. Her husband suddenly came home, and I could feel his presence getting more agitating.

I woke up before I saw much else. I felt a bit better, I wasn't nauseous, and my headache was much less. I stood up slowly and carefully to not make him aware that I was prowling around. I looked around the room to see if I could find a window. I found the one window in the room had been covered up. Then, I decided to just sneak out through the door. I wasn't sure if I should tip toe out to the front door or just make a run for it. I made an attempt to open the door, forgetting all logic that he had locked it, of course. I gave up, and then I saw that he had left another rose on the bed that I hadn't noticed. I also hadn't realized that I was now wearing the promise ring he left on the rose in the graveyard.
I hoped that it didn't mean what I thought it meant.

My beginning and the end (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now