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The next morning I was casually walking to school when someone pull me in a small alley. It was Jean-Pierre.

"Hey" he greeted me we were so close almost touching each other.

"Hey" I said back

"Did you see my show yesterday?" He smiled

"I did. But do you think I would just forgive you because you sang a song?" I raised an eyebrow I couldn't deny that his act was sweet but he had said some harsh things yesterday.

"I could sing you another one...No, I'm kidding. I am really sorry Odette. I wasn't thinking straight I was so mad at Descamps I just lost control. I don't believe that you sleep around. I'm just an idiot and I understand if you want to break up." He said and looked me in the eyes.

He looked like a little boy at this very moment.

"I forgive you " I finally said

"Really?" He's eyes brightened up

"Yeah I knew you said everything out of spite. But Jean-Pierre you can't just say things and then expect that I will forgive you every time..."

"I know love, I won't do it again" he said and he hugged me. "Are you free tonight?"  He asked and I nodded "meet me at 6 the park I have something planned out"

We were now walking towards the school together I was again in peace.

"My mum said you looked dreamy yesterday" I casually said and he smiled

"Really?" I nodded yes but his smile fell pretty quickly.

Descamps had just walked past and he waved at us, at me with a huge smile on his face. I hesitantly waved back.

"What was that?" He asked in a serious tone

"I meant to tell you... Descamps kinda apologised yesterday and now we are good I suppose" he didn't seem very happy about it

"Was he's apology better than mine?"

"Yeah he sang the  House of the Rising Sun"

"Damn it!"

We were good

At school professor Douillard made write a 15 minute test to see who was the lucky student to replace his star, mr Magnan next year.

We had to answer 10 questions and if we answered 5 correct then we would get to the next round. Honestly the questions were rather hard so I did my best. He would announce our grades sometime during the next days.

I was walking in the yard with the girls when suddenly...

"Marin!" Descamps shouted and motioned me to go towards him and his friends. "We need you for something"

"I am listening" I crossed my arms

"Dupin here wants to impress a girl and he wants to buy her a gift but he can't figure out what, do you think you could help him a bit?" Wow that was unexpected!

"Okay. What does she like?" I asked the boy

"I-I don't know" he shuttered eyeing Descamps.

"You could get her many things like... does she read?"

"I suppose"

"Then a book would be a great gift and you can put a note inside to make it more personal. But really the gift is the thought, you could bring her just and flower and say that it made you think of her and she'll be happy."

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