Magnum wakes up the next morning and gets dressed and goes to see if Emma was awake. Magnum opened Emma's bedroom door to see Emma still asleep. So Magnum went to wake Emma up. Hey Emma wake up Magnum said lightly shaking Emma to wake her. Emma wakes to her dad right beside her. Morning Daddy Emma says; morning you excited to meet your sister soon Magnum asks with his hands on his belly. Yeah Daddy I am excited to meet her Emma says to her dad

Not long now Magnum says causing Emma to smile. Why don't you get dressed and come out for some breakfast Magnum says to Emma. Okay, Daddy Emma says causing Magnum to get up off the bed and out to the kitchen to see TC. Hey tm Emma awake Tc asks. Yeah she is Magnum says with his hands on his lower back. Higgins came in hey Higgy good morning Tc said.

Have either of you seen Emma Higgins says to Tc and Magnum. Yeah she's back in her room get dressed why Magnum says. She's gone Higgins says that's impossible did the Alarm go off Tc asks? no they didn't so whoever took Emma avoided the Security tapes Higgins says. Okay well, let's go check her room Magnum says right behind you, Tm Tc says. Higgins follows to

Ka stay high alert Magnum says pulling out his gun. Magnum opens the door to Emma's room Tc and Higgins go separate ways. Clear Tc says. Clear Higgins says Clear Magnum says. The three of them put their guns away. Well no sign of Emma, no sign of a struggle; so how the hell did they get in here without being noticed, and where the hell's Emma Magnum says looking at Higgins and Tc?

Kausamoto arrives. Okay what exactly happened here, Gordon asks looking at the gang .Well Emma stayed in her room to get ready for school that's when Higgins went to check Emma's room, and that's when she came back and told us that Emma was gone Magnum says to Gordon. Exactly what time did Emma get taken or go missing Gordon asks Higgins. Uh maybe 6ish Magnum says. Okay well leaves us enough time to find her Gordon says

Gordy Tc says. Gordon looks at Tc. We like to help if that's possible Tc says looking at Gordon. Okay well first is to start with the security footage Gordon says looking at Higgins. Higgins pulls up the security footage. Okay there's Emma going to her room. There's while she was in her room; the cameras go out then there's in someone in Emma's room. Can you zoom in Gordon asks as Higgins zooms in on the person in Emma's room

They grab Emma and they disable the Cameras. Okay, we know we can't zoom in on the person because they have a hood on Magnum says. So we're back to square one Tc says unless we can identify the make and Model of the car they were driving Magnum says. I might be able to do that just give me a few Higgins says as she tries to get the make and Model of the car.

I just hope Emma is alright Magnum says. She will be Tm Tc says as he puts his arm around Magnum.
With Emma
Emma wakes up in a strange place hello Miss Emma Hannah says. Who are you Emma asks looking at Hannah. I'm your mother Sweetheart Hannah says no your not, you don't look familiar Emma says. Okay, you listen hear you little brat, your never gonna see the light of day ever again Hannah says. Your not gonna kill me Emma asks Hannah.

No something much more Hannah says to Emma. Emma was scared not knowing what Hannah was gonna do to her
With the gang
Higgins managed to get the make and module of the car and found out who the car was registered to. She couldn't believe who the car was registered to. She went to tell the group. Higgy
whatcha got Tc says; you guys need to see this Higgins says causing, Gordon, Tc, and Magnum to rush into the room. Higgins pulls up the name of the person the car is registered to.

Magnum couldn't believe it. It was Hannah. How the hell does she have Emma Tc asks. IDK but she's dangerous who knows what she's gonna do to Emma Gordon says to the gang. She lives at 583 Donald Street Higgins says. That's as good as any place to start looking, Gordon says. Let's go Higgins says as the gang leaves to go to the house to search for Emma or be one step closer to finding her
The gang arrives at the house. The gang enters the house. EMMA EMMA Tc yells. EMMA Magnum yells. Clear Katsumoto says. No sign of Emma which means Hannah must of taken Emma so where Gordon says. But the question is where Magnum asks? In here guys got something Juliet says as the gang comes in. Guys look at this it looks like cash and a map Juliet says. How will this help us find Emma? Tc asks Higgins. Hannah cashed Emma in and is planning on shipping Emma out of Hawaii for good Higgins says. Do we know what flight she's on? Gordon asks. It looks like this one that's circled and it's excepted to leave in 6 minutes Higgins says. Let's get a move on Tc says. The gang leaves the house to go to the airport to rescue Emma.
The gang arrives at the airport

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