Magnum is 6 months pregnant and is due in 2 months

Emma woke up the next morning with the sling on her arm. Emma barely slept last night because sleeping with a sling is not comfortable.

Emma got dressed, then made her bed Emma knew her arm was gonna be killing her. Emma walked out of her room to see Aunty Juliet. Hey, Emma good morning my dear what can I do for you? Juliet says to Emma. Have you seen my dad Emma asks. He should be in a kitchen Juliet says.

Emma nods and leaves to go to the kitchen to look for her dad. Emma arrives at the kitchen to see her dad. Hey Emma morning sweets Magnum says. How's your arm? Magnum asks Emma hurts Emma says. Yeah well, I will give you some painkillers before you leave for school okay Magnum says. Emma nods. Why do you head to your room and get your backpack because, after you eat you gotta go brush your teeth, hair. Then we gotta scoot to school Magnum says.

Emma nods then heads to her room to retrieve her backpack. Magnum finishes Emma's breakfast and plates it. Then makes breakfast for him and Tc. Emma comes out with her backpack sets it down then goes and eats her breakfast. After breakfast, Emma leaves to go brush her teeth and grab her school bag. Magnum was busy washing Emma's plate. After that, Emma came back out with her school bag. You ready? Magnum asks Emma. Emma nods

Okay come on Magnum says as he grabs the keys. Emma and Magnum walk out to the car to run into the lads. Emma gets in the car and they're off to school. Magnum looked over to see Emma staring out the window. You okay you look quiet over there Magnum says to Emma. You excited to meet your new sister? Magnum asks Emma. Yeah Daddy im excited Emma says replying. They continue to school

They arrive at the school. Okay have a great day, and one of us will be here to get you when your done Magnum says to Emma. Okay, Emma says grabbing her bag getting out of the car, and heading into school. After Emma goes to school. Magnum leaves and goes back to Robins Nest. Once Magnum gets back to Robins Nest he and Higgy get right to their client.

Magnum and Higgins leave to go somewhere for their client. Later on, Magnum goes and picks Emma up from School

How was school? Magnum asks Emma. Good Emma says. Something wrong? Magnum asks. There's this boy that keeps looking at me and I don't know what to do Emma says. Well, I don't think there is anything wrong, but ever considering that he likes you Magnum says. No, but I don't even like him Emma says. Why is your face all red then Magnum says. Emma Facepalms.

Looks like you do like him Magnum says. Emma rolls her eye at what her dad said

Emma and her dad continue home once they get home. Emma goes to her room and does her homework. Magnum goes straight back to the case. Juliet gets Magnum caught up on everything he missed while he was away picking Emma up from school. Emma peaked around the corner to see her dad and Auntie Higgins. Auntie Emma says hugging Juliet. Hello, Miss Emma Juliet says how was your day Juliet asks Emma.

It was fine Emma said. Fine, how come? Juliet asks

Well there's this boy that keeps looking at me and I don't know what to do Emma says to Juliet. Well, its probably looking like he likes you, Juilet says to Emma. Okay, I can deal with that Emma says thank you Auntie Emma says to Juliet. You are very welcome Emma Juliet says. Emma walks away back to her room to get ready for bed

As Magnum's pregnancy gets closer to the due date. Magnum's ex Hannah returns to the house with a gunshot wound, torchers and kidnaps Emma. Magnum quickly realizes that this case isn't about him it was about Emma. Magnum and the gang have to find Emma before Hannah kills her.

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