Chapter five: O'holuna Ahoy

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Five days at sea with the hums on their heels. In those five days they had sailed from The High Sand Lagoon to Swashbuckler Port, from Swashbuckler Port to Leviathan's Maw, and from Leviathan's Maw to Gunpowder Gallows. They had found Lou-Lou, Oscar and Vicky. What can I say? Chripper keeps tabs on his friends. Now the crew was on their way to O'holuna, where Emmy was apparently supposed to be hiding.

Sally stood proudly on the bridge, giving orders. She looked out over the deck, her crew assembled again. A warm flash went through the body. She would hopefully soon be reunited with Emmy. She missed her with her whole heart.

Chripper interrupted her daydreaming.

-You know, I wonder a little bit where we sail after we pick up Emmy? Chripper asked.

-Well, after finding Emmy, we have to find an Elf who is willing to sacrifice a few deciliters of blood. After that we have to find The Holy Fountain. I don't know where it is, Sally replied.

-Mm, I don't know where it is either. But Vicky might know, Chripper said.

Sally nodded slightly and called Vicky up to the bridge.

-Yes, captain? Vicky asked.

-You have no idea where The Holy Fountain is hiding? Sally asked, raising one eyebrow.

Vicky thought for a moment. He was incredibly spiritual Vicky.

- No, not really, he answered after a while.

A great disappointment spread through Sally's body.

-Well that's just maddeningly unhelpful, she said to herself .

Now how would they find the fountain? As Vicky turned his back and went back to work, Isaac came up the stairs. He was holding two ropes.

-How do you tie a...

- You haven't the faintest idea where The Holy Fountain might be, Sally interrupted.

- Well, I know, it's on the witch island, that's how they become immortal, Isaac answered in surprise.

Both Sally and Chripper dropped their jaws. How could Isaac know where the source was, how?

-Well, then Isaac, you will be allowed to show us the way to the fountain after our visit on the elf island. If you don't...I'll kill you, Sally said coldly.

A shudder went through Isaac's body. He nodded and went back to work.

Sally couldn't see anyone but Elijah in Isaac. The deep blue eyes and the brown tousled hair. Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Sally felt how the tears began to burn behind her eyelids. Not now, not now, not now. She grabbed her rum bottle and took a large gulp, to calm the nerves.

The day went by and with the hums hot on their heels they got closer to O'holuna with each passing hour.

As the sky was painted with the pretty sunset Chripper walked up to Sally again.

-You know, I've been thinking about where Billy might be, he said.

-And...I think i might have an idea, he said.

-I'm listening, Sally answered curiously.

He took a deep breath.

-Well, I might be wrong but i have a weak memory that Billy told me that if he disappeared one day, he was looking for Queen Eldoris crown. I thought he was joking but apperently I might be wrong, he said.

-Do you know the tale? He asked.

-Yes, that the crown gives its owner the power of the sea, Sally answered.

-And that it's said to be hidden, in the volcano, on the dragon island. Guarded by the great hydra, Sally said as she realized it.

-How could he survive that? She said questioningly.

-I don't know, but if the necklace played he obviously did, Chripper answered.

-It's worth a try, Sally said after a while.

Chripper nodded and walked back on deck. Sally took out her telescope and looked at the horizon behind them. There it was, the hummer ship. Chasing them. Great and white with red sails. Sally thought that they would have given up by now but apparently not. She was interrupted by Lou-Lou.

-O'HOLUNA AHOY! She shouted.

Everyone ran up on deck and saw the majestic city, built between two mountains. The whole city was painted white with gold details. The castle in the middle was one of the most beautiful castles Sally had ever seen. It was magical.

Once they disembarked in the harbor Sally, Chripper and Oscar walked into the city. The rest of the crew were tasked with finding a hidden place to dock at. The walking trio were blinded by the white stone houses. They were met by many pretty elves. Some of them had long luscious hair and some had middle length wavy hair. All of the womens had long beautiful dresses in lovely light colors. The men were sort of parted into two groups. Half of them had long straight hair and lovely light clothes. The other half on the other hand had middle length wavy hair and more "normal" clothes from Sally's point of view. You could really see how the elves in the "normal" clothes were despised by the others. They were given disgusted looks by the others.

-Do they have pubs here? Sally asked, amazed by the city.

-I don't think so, why? Chripper said.

-Well if Emmy's here she'll probably be sitting getting drunk in some seedy little pub, Sally answered.

-Aye, you're probably right, Oscar said.

The trio went through the city looking for a pub. Emmy was the type of person to be able to find a pub in every town.

After about half an hour of looking for a pub Sally finally walked up to a by-passer.

-Excuse me love, you haven't seen a woman about my age with dark tousled hair and a slightly "piraty" appearance? Sally asked politely.

-A pirate has no place here, the elf said arrogantly.

-Okay, okay, there's no need to be rude. Do ya at least have a pub or something along those lines? Sally said impatient.

-No, not what i'm aware of, said the elf as he walked away.

Sally turned to Chripper and Oscar. She exhaled a calming breath. She turned again facing the street.


Everyone on the street turned and gave her surprised looks. This was apparently not the city where people shout in the middle of the street on a daily basis.

-Well?! She exclaimed.

Everybody started walking again, except one wavy haired elf.

-I know where it is, he said quietly after the street was emptied.

-I'm listening, Sally said in surprise.

-I can show you where it is, just...follow me i guess, the elf said.

The trio followed the elf into the haunted streets of the city. It was here where all the wavy haired elves kept house.

-We only have one pub in this town. We keep it hidden from the posh purebloods, he said after a while.

-Really? Chripper said.

-Yea, they treat us like outsiders, we are half bloods, us with wavy hair, he sighed.

The gang went on and into a little pub. Or little or little, it was actually pretty big. It was crowded with pointy ears and wavy hair. They walked into the crowd and searched for Emmy.

Captain Sally Bertha, the journey of a pirateOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant