Chapter four: The ship with the purple sails

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When they reached the port they were met by the mythical ship Victoria. The ship was very large with dark purple sails and dark wood. The figurehead at the front was a sculpture of a roaring dragon. The ship was at least thirty meters long and ten meters wide. Sally had heard about it but never seen it in real life. The captain was the legendary pirate Woodstock "Butcher" Adams, a stout man with a large black beard. He was cruel, brutal and downright terrible. Up on the deck stood three burly pirates. The first was fat and bearded, the second was balding and muscular and the third, the third had streaked blond hair and unusually long legs, it was Oliver Williams.

The trio hid behind some barrels about twenty meters from the ship.

- I didn't know that Oliver was part of the crew on the Victoria, Sally said, startled.

- Well, neither did I, answered Chripper.

-Who's that? Isaac wondered.

- I'll explain later, Sally answered.

-Well, what are our plans? she wondered.

-I will distract Oliver and his little friends and you set Gordon free, Chripper said.

-And I? Isaac wondered.

Chripper and Sally looked at him questioningly.

- You stay here and keep an eye out, said Sally.

-Fine, Isaac sighed.

Chripper went down the wharf and stepped aboard the ship. The three men drew guns and asked what he wanted. He said he wanted to join the crew, they began to discuss Chripper's wish.
At the same time, Sally crept up to the back of the ship. She carefully grabbed a rope and climbed soundlessly on board. Chripper distracted the men and Sally slipped below deck and down to the prison cells.

The floorboards creaked under her heavy boots. She carefully sneaked through the darkness. She was met by four stout prison cells, half of them were occupied. In one sat a frail and gray man. In the other, yes there he sat, Gordon Rough. A bearded middle-aged man with dark shoulder-length curly hair. There he sat, rotting. Not literally, but you get the point. He met Sally's gaze, the shocked bright eyes shining in the darkness. He was about to say something but Sally raised a shushing finger to her lips. She sneaked up to the cell and looked around for a key. It was nowhere to be found. She plucked a bobby pin from her blonde hair. With accustomed fingers she easily opened the lock, she opened the door with a jerk. Gordon stepped out and they hugged. He took a deep breath as if he was about to say something.

- No questions, I'll tell you later, whispered Sally.

Gordon nodded slightly and smiled. The frail man in the next cell stood up in surprise.

-Can you fix me out too? the old man asked quietly.

Sally looked at him and worshiped his locks as well. Gordon and Sally walked silently towards the stairs to the deck. On the way, Gordon picked up some weapons that were lying around. They sneaked on and up the stairs. Sally snuck out her head and saw the three men and Chripper. They stood with their backs to her. She grabbed hold of a plank that was littering. Chripper saw her, she silently crept up the stairs and hit the three men in the back of the head causing them to fall to the ground. She, Gordon and Chripper took the men's guns and fled the scene. They picked up Isaac on the way from the ship. He looked slightly concerned, he was pointing at the port. There the big hummer ship had docked.

-Well, what do we do about that? Chripper wondered.

-Don't know, Gordon replied.

- Neither do I, Isaac said.

They looked at Sally questioningly. As if she knew what they were going to do.

-Don't look at me, I don't know what to do, Sally replied.

- But, I have a little idea, she said thoughtfully.

She raised a finger and pulled it in a so-called "follow me" gesture. The gang sneaked up the bridge and over to the mainland. They watched as the Hummer soldiers marched into the town. "Their" ship had been occupied by hummers. The gang crept towards the large cruiser docked next to their ship.

The following situation moves very quickly and is hard to keep up with, no one really knew what was happening.

Sally wandered aboard her own ship, full of soldiers. Ten punches, four shots, seven kicks, six slashes and one sword draw. The rest of Sally's gang ran aboard and helped with the rest of the soldiers. Sally watched as the soldiers on the hummer ship next door began to abandon their ship and run towards Sally's ship. All of Sally's gang grabbed one rope. When the soldiers ran aboard Sally's ship, the whole gang swung over to the hummer ship. They quickly cast off and left the harbor as fast as possible.

Captain Sally Bertha, the journey of a pirateWhere stories live. Discover now