CHAPTER - 20 🔞

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- Why did you suddenly reveal our story so quickly? - Bank asked, confused. Phai let out a soft sigh.

- Actually, I would also like to extend my time a little longer. I wanted to sort out Nong Win's parental rights first, then I would find an opportunity to tell my parents later. But today Pin mentioned you in front of my father. Even though she didn't say exactly what it was, my father couldn't help but wonder. When I got home, he asked me why Pin mentioned you. Actually, I could lie, but Pin showed me that lying doesn't help things much, so I decided to tell my father directly. - Phai told Bank in a normal tone. Bank frowned slightly. He doesn't understand why Pin still argues with him even after breaking up with Phai.

Then it happened that his parents were also going to wish my parents a happy new year. So I asked my father to talk to his parents too. Both about Pin and about you. - Phai said again. Bank let out a soft sigh when he heard this.

- Having said that, I also think it was good that P'Pin talked about me, so everything was clarified. Otherwise, I would definitely be very uncomfortable. I would have to be careful that my parents didn't know. Now they both know. I am relieved. Even though Dad asked for a little more time to come to terms with it. - Bank said with genuine relief. Phai held Bank's hand.

- Everything will get better. So do not worry. - Phai said this in a serious tone.

- I'm just worried about people's mouths, Phai. I don't care what people say about me because my reputation is not good. But it's you I'm worried about. You are a person with a good reputation. If someone talks badly about you, I might get a little stressed. - Bank said directly to Phai.

- Do not get stressed. If someone actually talks about it, I'll take care of it myself. - Phai replied, because he doesn't want Bank to be uncomfortable. Then the two sat down and looked at each other in silence.

- Do you think that after we take care of Nong Win's matter, we can find a place to rest? - Phai invited him.

- Good, where do you want to go? -

Bank asked.

- We'll talk about that soon. Just by agreeing to go with me I am already satisfied. Phai said with a smile.

- Wherever you go, this time, I will always

I will follow you. I almost missed the opportunity to be with you, but I can say that from now on I will definitely not miss anything about you. - said Bank cheekily. Phai raised his hand to shake Bank's head. Even though Bank is 21 years old, Bank still seems like a child to his peers eyes.

- Take a shower and change your clothes. So you better go to bed. You must be very tired today. - Phai said, because he knew he had been very excited about Bank last night.

In fact, tonight he wanted to do something with Bank again, but he saw his lover's tired expression. He agreed to leave it. rest first, and besides, he came to sleep at the Bank's house. Phai has a lot of consideration for Bank's parents, especially because Bank's father asked for some time to accept. So what else could he do?

- I'm going to take a shower first. - Bank said. Phai nodded before Bank got into the shower.

As for Phai, he just lay there playing on his cell phone, waiting. When Bank left, he took turns going to the bathroom.


Phai walked over and hugged Bank from behind. After turning off the lights in Bank's room, Phai bent down to kiss Bank's face lovingly.

- By the way, we are both very funny. We have been brothers for many years and suddenly we started dating. said Bank in the darkness. He allowed Phai to hug him like that because Bank felt good too.

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