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It's been a month after Phai's birthday party. The time has finally come for Pin's son to be born. Phai took Pin to the hospital to await the birth with her prenatal doctor. Phai's parents were excited to see their grandson's face. As for Pin's parents, they sometimes seem happy, but they seem to be hiding some worries that Phai is unaware of, but he thought that Pin's parents were worried about the daughter they will give birth to soon.

- How are you, Pin? Are you excited? - A prenatal nurse asked the woman lying on the bed in the hospital room.

- Very excited. - replied Pin, with Phai sitting next to her shaking her hand.

- Bank didn't come with you? - Phai asked about Bank because he thought he would come with Pom.

- He has to work at billiards. - Pom replied, lying. Because Bank didn't want to come, but he doesn't know exactly the real reason for Bank's absence.

- You don't need to come now. You can come visit later, I don't want too many people. - said Pin.

- So, when does Pin have to go to the delivery room? - Pom asked while Phai looked at the clock.

- 4pm. - Phai replied, because she is going to have a cesarean section.

- I hope it works. I'm waiting to hear from my nephew. - he said smiling, before Pom spoke a little more to Phai and walked away, leaving Phai and Pin alone.

Pom drove to visit Bank at the store. When he arrived, he found Bank sitting behind the counter.

- Hey, why are you stressed? - Pom asked when he saw Bank sitting with a frown.

- What are you thinking, Phi? Did you just get back from the hospital? -Bank

He asked.

- Um, Phai asked about you too, because you didn't go. Did he call you? - Pom asked while Bank shook his head.

- He must have been busy, Phi. Why would you call me? - Bank replied calmly. Bank knows that today is Pin's son's birth day, which makes Bank feel his heart ache in a strange way. It was as if something was about to break. He also had a deep

- Bank, I really want to ask you, do you have any problems

with Phai? - Pom asked as she sat down next to Bank. Bank stopped when he heard the question.

- Why do you ask? - Bank asked.

- I don't know, I feel like since Phai got married you're not the same, you're not as bright as before. Ai Phai is someone who has things to think about and stress about all the time. Plus, you and he argue a lot. - Pom said. Bank was silent for a moment upon hearing this because he didn't think Pom would notice.

- Everyone has their own duties, P'Pom. P'Phai has a family, he has a son, he has a wife. He doesn't have time to come and hang out with us like he used to. - Bank said calmly.

- There's something, right? Pom asked. Bank was silent for a moment and looked at Pom's face.

- What thing? What do you mean? - Bank asked curiously.

- If you could choose, you would like

for him to get married and have children? - Pom asked, without answering Bank's question.

- No. - Bank replied bluntly before letting out a big sigh.

- But I can't choose. Today he will be a father. said Bank with a slightly bitter smile. Bank felt his heart sink and sink, even though he should have been happy for Phai.

Pom stared at Bank, he felt a little irritated, but he still doesn't want to think about it. Whether what Pom thought was right or not, he kept it in the back of his mind, looking forward to the day when he would have the confidence to ask Bank directly, as well as his friend Phai.

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