- Can you walk? - Phai asked again. Bank tries to move his body to get out of bed and stand.

- You can go downstairs and wait. Like this

as much as I can, I will follow him. - Bank said.

- Then I'll heat up the food and wait. Is this considered kind? -

Phai asked, teasing Bank. - I better take a shower. -Bank

he chose not to respond before slowly entering the bathroom, with Phai looking at him with concern. But he didn't want to make Bank feel weak, because he knows

Bank's habits better than anyone else.

When he saw that Bank had already gone to the bathroom, Phai went down to the kitchen to heat up lunch for him and Bank.

Bank entered the bathroom with pain in his hip. Hip pain is reasonable,

but he can walk. Bank stopped and stood in front of the mirror

and saw red marks all over his body, which clearly indicates what kind of relationship he and Phai have.

- How did you get to this point? - Bank said to himself, amused.

He never thought of himself with

Phai, and that they could actually end up like this. But this also left

Bank a little happy. Bank looked at his face through the mirror.

- Fight it, said Bank, encouraging himself, because he doesn't know what

down the stairs and found Phai in the kitchen.

What else will you have to face from now on? Bank finished showering and dressing, then slowly went downstairs.

- If you can walk alone, it means you are also tough. - Phai pretended to provoke.

- I'm not weak, nor soft. - replied Bank.

- So that means tonight..... - Phai was about to talk about the bed..

- But it's not like I'm ready for everything. - Bank hurriedly interrupted Phai. "What would the lover say?" Phai laughed lightly.

- Come, sit down and eat. Phai said as he pulled out a chair for Bank to sit on. Bank saw the cushion and sat there, he couldn't help but smile because it shows how careful Phai is. Even before when they were both close as brothers, they always looked out for each other. But the feeling now is different, in part because of the change in status. Bank sat down and had lunch together with Phai.

- P'Phai, do you feel strange? -

Bank asked as he sat down to eat.

- What's strange? - Phai asked back.

- Well... we were both like... brothers before, but suddenly... we became boyfriends. said Bank, not very loudly, because he feels strangely embarrassed.

- It's not strange, most couples start out as friends. Anyway, we've talked about this before. - Phai said while thinking. Bank nodded.

- That's right. - replied Bank.

- So... do you think... that Ingfah will accept our story? When my daughter grows up and knows everything? - Bank is concerned about this matter. Now Ingfah loves Phai as an uncle, but when she grows up she will know that Bank and Phai are a couple. "Will Ingfah accept this kind of relationship?"

- Aren't you thinking too far ahead? Learn to trust your own daughter a little. Whenever you focus on teaching Ingfah or talking to her about some topic, Ingfah always listens very well. The story about the two of us, if we explain

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