And You Thought Museums Were Boring

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(SELF NOTE: First writing: Complete, Number of times reviewed:2 )


The sky grew dark, the Sun's rays slowly faded until there was no light, the air grew cooler with an icy breeze blowing, slowly the sand started rising around us and before I knew it there was a Category five Hurricane rampaging around us.


It all started on April 27th, it was a beautiful morning in Washington DC, me and my best friend since I can remember, Luxa Gremory, were about to go to the Smithsonian Museum.

Luxa was wearing her usual white tank top, which brought out the color of her sea blue eyes, and a pair of denim jeans with her 'Luxa' converse, a line of products her dad decided to name after her. Her hair, which was pitch black except for the bottom which had a bluish tint, was flowing down loosely hanging over her shoulders and to top it all off she wore her favorite violet pendant which had some writing in an unknown language on the back.

And then there was me, instead of wearing my usual blue T-shirts, which usually matched my eyes, and my favorite running shoes, I decided to wear a white shirt with a vest and a pair of black pants, my hair which was usually spiked was now combed to one side and to be honest when I saw myself in the mirror I thought I looked rather dashing but that thought quickly melted away when I showed up to Luxa's mansion and had to spend at least ten minutes waiting for her to finish laughing.

We had planned to go to the museum so many times but somehow every time we made a plan it fell apart, like most of our plans. This time though we made sure there were no upcoming school projects, no events either of us had to attend and no rampaging bulls in the street, long story. This was my sixteenth birthday and nothing was going to stop us. Not much has changed between us from when we first came up with the museum plan, the only difference was back then Luxa was a few inches taller than me but now the tables have turned.

After Luxa finished laughing we took the bus most of the way and walked the final bit, the streets of DC were bustling with the daily activities of people. After walking for around five minutes and dodging a couple of hundred people we finally made it to the entry to the National Museum of Natural History. I'd be lying if I said I wanted to go there for the amazing Dinosaur exhibit or anything like that, in truth I was drawn to the historical artifacts from Roman and Greek times. Ever since my mother had taken me to my first museum trip I had always been drawn towards old and historical artifacts dating back to the Greek and Roman times.

We made our way through the artifacts marveling at some of statues and painting and every now and then Luxa would go into a detailed description of some of the events depicted, she was genuinely smart like that being the topper of the our class and president of the school student body.

Luxa always displayed this confidence where ever she went except on bring your parents to school day, that was the worst day she could imagine. It wasn't that she hated her parents or anything but her parents looked nothing like her, it was so easy to tell that she was adopted, I mean I was adopted too but it wasn't easy to tell, in fact you couldn't tell at all. What ever the case it's what brought us together, we both had this understanding right when we met.

As we walked we passed by a picture which was one of the few I knew really well, The Trojan War. And as if on queue Luxa piped up, "Wow, I just realized the Trojan War ended like ten days from today. I mean not like from today this year but you know like in 1240"

"Haha yeah," I said "But honestly who believes that story? I mean Gods fighting with humans? Bit hard to believe don't you think?"

Her eyebrows knitting as it always did when she thought too much and her eyes still glued to the painting she muttered lost in thought, "I don't know, I mean why couldn't have the Gods fought a war which would have decided the entire future of Greek. After all the stories of Gods among men I'm sure some of them must be true."

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