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"You're awfully quiet," Oikawa teases, thinking a small joke might coax some words out of you. "Do we make you nervous or something?"

"She's quiet because you guys are barely giving her time to speak," Kuroo interjects as he returns with a tray. Seeing his friends here, you expect him to get his alcohol ready as he did when he invited you over, but he's got something else prepared. "Tea, anyone?"

"Yes! Thank you," Bokuto exclaims, reaching for the small teapot and serving everyone as soon as the tray lands on the table. "Alright, the floor is yours, Y/n."

While your primary goal is to practice and excel in your program, you also acknowledge that these boys, who are willing to help you succeed, are also interested in being your friends.

To start new, to have good grades and a clear path to a good career with good friends, you realize that there's more to this night than just practicing your assessments. It's about making an effort to forge new friendships and being a good friend yourself.

With this in mind, you turn to Bokuto. "Thanks, Bokuto," you grin. "For practice's sake, you're my patient, and I'm your nurse. I'll be taking some of your vitals first, like your blood pressure and your pulse. Sounds good?"

"Sounds great," Bokuto replies as he smoothly withdraws his arm from his hoodie sleeve and extends, allowing you to wrap the cuff around his muscles.

Kuroo is pleased to see his friends getting along with you. It feels like just yesterday you were sharing details about your life back home and the people who wronged you. Tonight marks just one of many nights that the four of you will spend together.

Equipping your stethoscope and positioning the bell above the cuff, you start to inflate, then deflate, attentively listening for systolic and diastolic readings. "Hm..." When the cuff flattens, you remove it and place two fingers on his radial pulse, counting and noting the rhythm. "Your blood pressure is slightly elevated. Maybe something is causing you stress or anxiety tonight?"

"I'm just excited to meet you!" Bokuto's eccentric response prompts Oikawa to stifle a laugh, despite this behavior being normal for him. "Or maybe it's the coffee I drank earlier? Or maybe I caught a virus from Oikawa, and now my body is fighting for its own survival!"

"Hey! Don't blame your high blood pressure on me, you dufus!" Oikawa retorts, his brows furrowing. "Take this as a wake-up call. There's probably a bunch of plaque building up in your vessels or some shit. It's time you start taking better care of your health."

"Your pulse is also above the normal range, but, as you said, excitement can cause an elevation in vitals, similar to stress," you kindly note before releasing his arm. "There's nothing to worry about. I'm sure you'll be fine."

"The nurse says I'll be fine," Bokuto playfully sticks his tongue out at Oikawa, who responds with an eye roll. "Check his blood pressure next! Let's see if you're the one who's got shit clogging up your vessels!"

Oikawa willingly rolls up his sleeve and extends his arm, but before you can wrap the cuff around him, Kuroo intervenes. "Wait," he starts, "aren't you going to listen to Bokuto's heart and lungs too, like how you did with me?"

"Um... I think it's best if I just practice taking vitals for now," you reply, attempting to sidestep the subject. The last thing you need is to be faced with a shirtless boy in the middle of Kuroo's apartment, knowing you wouldn't be able to focus.

Well, the thought of having not just Bokuto, but Oikawa and Kuroo possibly shirtless for the sake of your assessments doesn't seem like a bad idea. If anything, it seems like a distant dream, like the dirty vision you had of Kuroo while you pleased yourself.

𝐔𝐍𝐈𝐓 𝟖𝟎𝟑 • kuroo x readerOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora