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The heated episode that you had with Kuroo last night consumes your thoughts throughout the day. As you attend classes, the words seem to flow around you, failing to stay in your head. You jot down notes that appear utterly useless, and even when you read over your study material, it's as if the words are slipping past your mind.

A part of you still can't believe that what happened last night actually happened. You and Kuroo, during the late night hours with the influence of alcohol, had shared a fleeting moment of pleasure. It had been passionate, though short lived. You had left his place feeling both satisfied and unsatisfied — satisfied for finally experiencing a moment of pleasure with a decent guy, yet unsatisfied because it had ended all too soon.

When you made it back into your own bed, you found it impossible to sleep without finishing the heat that Kuroo started. To put it simply, you finished yourself off, and on the other side of the wall, Kuroo had done the same for himself, making a conscious effort to stay quiet this time around to ensure that you couldn't hear him.

Now, you and Mari sit at a table within the campus library, attempting to study the new class notes. Your fellow students occupy neighbouring tables, their discussions blending into an indistinct murmur about nursing fundamentals and other nonsense.

Mari, her own concentration waning, gazes around at the other students. "Maybe we should mingle with the others," she suggests, her desire to expand her social circle evident. "Who knows? We might get some useful notes and even form a study group."

Your brows furrow as you consider the idea. "I think a study group would only distract me," you confess, your thoughts drifting back to Kuroo. He's not even in your program and yet, he's able to distract you from everything you worked hard for. "You can go talk to the others if you want. Don't let me stop you."

Mari leans her head back with a faint groan. "There's no way I'm leaving you," she insists with determination in her eyes. "I started this program with you, and I'm gonna make sure that we finish it together. We can always talk to the others at a better time, together. Okay?"

"Okay," you respond, returning her smile with gratitude. "Thank you for understanding."

"No problem," she says, tossing her bag of sour gummy worms across the table, offering you a shared snack. You steal one and refocus on your notes, determined to regain your academic stride.

As you continue to wrestle with your inability to concentrate on your notes, Mari decides to propose a different approach. She suggests testing each other's knowledge with practice questions, promising a gummy worm as a reward for every correct answer. However, if you answer incorrectly, you'll have to search for the right solution within your notes.

"Sounds easy enough," you agree and accept the challenge.

"Great, let's start. You first." Mari says, flipping through her notes to select a question that will probe your grasp of nursing fundamentals. The initial question stumps you, forcing you to delve into your notes to locate the correct response. What appeared to be an easy challenge quickly transforms into a daunting task. "Are you okay over there?"

"Yeah, just trying to find the answer," you half-lie, still searching through your notes for the right information.

It takes you a while, but you finally find the answer and throw a question back at Mari. She easily responds and rewards herself with a gummy worm. Then, it's your turn once more. Even when she tosses you a seemingly simpler question, you provide an incorrect response.

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