ishita / keerthy / sahana

i have something to say

what a coincidence? me too

i also have news

good news or bad news? we'll figure out who should go first



this never happens to us
usually our lives are shit

don't jinx it you minx


sahana you go first

veer just proposed to me. it's official!! I'm getting married! this june

that's only three months from now

yeah omg congratulations girl! have to give it to veer tho for holding back for this long. it's been clear he would have married you the day he met you

lol true

we have a lot of planning to do!!

keerthy? why are you silent?

why now? can't you guys wait for another year? at least nine months?





yeah hehe
vikky doesn't know yet tho so keep this to yourselves until i figure out a way to surprise him

omg i'm officially an aunty
i'm an AUNTY! please let me be the cool aunty and not the bitchy one

i don't want to be pregnant in your wedding. i'll look like a balloon while both of you look hot af

woman you'll be glowing! it'll be so good for the pictures

why am i crying?

rip vikrant. keerthy is a crier

give him our condolences

shut up

okay ish? wbu?

um this might come off as sudden
and we'll meet this saturday 6pm for dinner at orchid, I've already booked a table so clear your schedules
i'll give you the full story then

okay you're making me curious
tell us!!

is this something about jai?

how'd you know?

i live with you ishita. ofc i knew something was going on

why am i missing everything?

why are you married and living with your husband?

fair point. please continue

i'm kinda in love with jai


yeah it happened and i love it 🥺

SORRY JAI YOU SAY? The one you despised and plotted against to save Sahana from?

yeah that's my man

guess she was rescuing him for herself lmao

i knew this was coming
save it for saturday, will ya?


he is amazing, okay? and he is hot af

that we agreed on before too but isn't he a little bit of an asshole?

no he's just misunderstood and a softie at heart
and he's mine 🥰

so fucking weird hearing ishita say shit like this

ikr but it makes me so happy. i almost wanna cry again

i hope this isn't weird, sash??

please no. there was nothing between jai and i. we weren't the least bit interested in each other.

okay i wanted to ask you about it before but things just took a mind of its own

don't worry, it's all good. i'm so fucking happy for you

so he's the one you've been staying with?

you've stayed at his house????

actually, i was thinking of moving in with him by the end of this month


give me a fuckinf break
i need time to process

ladies, let's just meet at orchid and resume this conversation

yeah too many good things happening at once

and it's all of our love lives. how????

this feels like a game

maybe we're done with bad stuff for a while and the scale is tipping towards the other side

don't give me hope
i just know something is going to go crashing soon
like my business

shut up
we are talking happy things, ladies. i know it's weird but let's get used to it, yeah?

jai has did a number on you, hasn't he?

oh fuck off. regroup at orchid on saturday.
love you

a/n: behold the grand debut of emojis 🥰❤️

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a/n: behold the grand debut of emojis 🥰❤️

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