"And what makes you say that?"

"He thinks he knows everything because he defeated a couple of dragons, and supposedly became the 'overall founder' of this place." Affogato tattled, using his fingers for quotation marks to paint him as the less mature one.

"Well, he did build this place from the ground if you read the archives." She calmly stated.

"Ugh! Everybody is telling me to read the damn archives."

"I don't quite see the problem here."

"Because I read it and I don't understand it!" Harshly pointing at her, he nearly poked the center of her forehead. "There! Now do you see the problem?"

"I see, but having difficulty understanding something doesn't equate to the King's perception of you," Caramel told him as she carefully put his hand down. "That would be an ill way of judging our King's intentions. Remember, he wants to help you help him. And if you are to be his Royal Advisor, you'd have to be a little more determined and less defensive."

Deep inside, he knew she was right. But, clearly never wanted to announce that. "I suppose I shouldn't jump to conclusions."

"You really shouldn't it could-"

Before she could finish her sentence, the sky took it upon itself to interrupt. All of a sudden, the clap of lightning struck afar from them, likely hitting a tree. The sound and coloring spooked them into holding on to each other. Mainly Affogato holding onto Caramel with his arms wrapped around her upper body. Her body went stiff at how tightly he held onto her, not knowing the best way to react to the situation. Though he was fully in her space, she could barely feel anything that would make her uncomfortable. And, it's not like they ever hugged before, so it was odd for her to be so tolerant. With her head also forced to lean against his chest, she couldn't help but question this feeling of closeness.

"This feeling of warmth, I've felt it before but it feels so new for some reason." She thought to herself, looking off into the distance.

Subconsciously, she shut off her hearing, so what was seen was streaks of lightening.

As her sight directed its way back to the scene at hand, she immediately caught on to his arm mildly shaking across her chest. "Hey, there's nothing to be scared of."

Realizing she hadn't been talking for a while, he quickly looked at where his hands were placed. Appearing, shocked and embarrassed by what he did. But, it was too late to cop out now. He had to just live with it or else she'd belittle him for such a fright. "I still don't think hail exists."

"Does your body know that?" She giggled as she snuck her hand behind his back, slowly rubbing it with her palm to calm him down.

Once he realized what she was doing, he released his right arm from her left shoulder. He turned his head to look away from her as he pouted, even more embarrassed that her effort to help was working. "Aren't you supposed to feel cold for this to work?"

"Why?" She slightly repositioned herself so she could look at him. "Do you feel warm?"

In response, he nodded his head, still avoiding eye contact with her.

"I'm not sure why I feel so warm either."

"I prefer feeling warm to feeling cold." He muttered under his breath, sort of tapping her shoulder as he did so.

The Biggest Twist Of All (Affocara)Where stories live. Discover now