Chapter 13

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Rhea put her hand under the blanket onto my lap. She squeezed my thigh causing me to open my legs wider, almost on instinct.

She leaned over to whisper in my ear, "good girl. Now shut up and take what Mami gives you. Grab my thigh if you want to stop baby." I couldn't help but let out a small whimper at her words. Luckily nobody heard it. That would've been awkward.

Rhea slowly moved her hand up and down my thigh, tracing small circles. I was getting really needy and impatient, so I reached under and pulled her hand to the waistband of my pants. I looked towards Rhea who clearly wasn't happy about my actions.

"Priest can you turn the radio up please, we can't hear it back here."

What was she planning?

"Sure thing Chica" priest turned the radio up much louder.

Rhea turned to me once again whispering in my ear. "What part of take what I give you do you not understand? Are you having trouble comprehending what I say today? Another hair out of line and I stop." I've never shut my mouth quicker.

I was so much more comfortable today than last night for some reason, I just.. trusted Rhea. I knew she'd stop if I wanted to.

She reached her hand under the waistband of my leggings, teasing me over my underwear. I was trying so hard to stay quiet. I didn't know how I'd be able to stay composed when she-

In one quick movement she took her hand under my underwear and began rubbing circles around my clit, without touching it, still teasing me. I was getting wetter by the second.

When she finally inserted one finger into me I had to bury my head into her shoulder to stay silent. She curled her finger hitting the perfect spot every time making me close quick.

I bit onto her sweatshirt hood as I orgasmed trying to muffle my whimpers. She pulled her hand out of my pants, sucking her fingers.

"So easy to please. Now sleep, Ash. You need it." She said in a much more relaxed yet stern tone.

"You too, Rhea." I snuggled deeper into Rheas shoulder, quickly falling asleep

Rheas POV:

I'm so conflicted. I haven't felt like this towards someone in so long, but I'm so scared of letting my guard down. She brings out a side of me not many people can. I trust her. And that scares me.

I'm very particular of the people I trust. Ever since Toni, it's usually hard for me to trust new people. Something about Ash just seems so.. genuine. So real.

So... beautiful.

She always knows exactly what to say. She's so smart and funny. Everything about this just seems so... my thoughts were interrupted by the sound of faint snores coming from Ash on my shoulder. She's so cute when she sleeps.

I leaned my head against the window in hopes of getting a little rest myself.

I was woken up a few hours later at the feeling of cold on my shoulder. We had just arrived at the hotel and Ash sat up to get out. I already missed her touch.

I let Ash get out first, then we went around to the back of the van where I got our luggage out. Priest went in to check us in and get our room keys as soon as we pulled in, so he met us at the door with me and Ash's room key once all the luggage was unloaded.

I followed behind Ash to our room, quickly walking around her to open the door once we arrived. When I opened the door, all I could do was look at Ash and laugh.

We had one bed.

"Well, this is interesting" Ash said looking at me with a look of disbelief.

I just walked around her and set our luggage down, collapsing on the bed. "It's okay with me. We have a few hours until dinner. Come snuggle and nap with me." I said opening my arms and giving her grabby hands. I'm not sure why I'm so comfortable being vulnerable around her, but apparently she is too. She quickly jumped into my arms. We arrived in Atlanta at around 3, and our reservation was at 7. I set my alarm for 5 so she'll have time to do her makeup.

Before I knew it Ash was once again snoring in my arms, but this time I couldn't follow suit.

All I could do was stare down at Ash. This woman is such a puzzle that I'm just dying to solve. She made me feel so good. She felt like.. home. I think I'd do anything to protect her. The way she speaks, the way she moves is just.. perfect.

I stared at Ash for what felt like a few minutes, until the alarm went off signifying that I'd been staring at her for 2 whole hours. I wouldn't change a thing.

"Hey babygirl, wake up" I said with a kiss on her forehead.

Even the way she wakes up is perfect.

I can't wait for tonight.

Ash's POV:

I woke up from the best nap in my life to my dreaded alarm, wrapped in Rheas arms. I wish I could stay here like this forever.

"We have to leave for dinner in about an hour and a half" Rhea said

"What's the dress code for this restaurant?" I asked in a joking manor getting up off the bed, but Rhea took me seriously.

"Smart casual, but I'd go a little more formal" the way she said that made it sound like she was planning something. What is she up to?

"I can do that" I grabbed my luggage and pulled out my hair and makeup stuff, setting it on the desk. Rhea got up and eventually went to get ready in the bathroom. After rummaging through all my formal attire, I decided on a black long skirt with a slit all the way up to my thigh with fishnets underneath, and a black corset top that did wonders for my cleavage. I decided to change it up and pulled out my black strappy heels I wear for special occasions instead of my boots.

Knowing what I was going to wear, I sat down to start on my makeup. For some reason I feel like I'm getting ready for a date- no absolutely not. This is in no way shape or form a date. All of the guys will be there! Wishful thinking I guess.

I decided on a smoky cat eye, with dark burgundy lips to add a pop of color. I added some false lashes for an extra flare, but I had no idea what to do with my hair.

I scrolled through Pinterest for what felt like forever, until I stumbled upon a slicked back "wet hair" look... almost like what Rhea does in the ring, except for long hair. I went ahead and got dressed minus my shoes, so I wouldn't have to worry about messing up my hair while putting my clothes on.

I put a robe on over top of my clothes to prevent me from getting any hairspray or gel on my top. It is one of my favorites. Rhea was still getting ready in the bathroom, but I assumed she'd be coming out soon so I tried to hurry.

I completed the final touches on my hair, and I looked ready for a red carpet if I may say so myself. I sat on the edge of the bed putting my heels on, when I heard the bathroom door unlatch. I quickly stood up and turned away putting my earrings in, so all Rhea could see was the back of a robe I had on.

"Hey Ash are you almost ready to-" I turned around and took the robe off revealing my outfit in a very movie worthy moment, which left Rhea utterly speechless. "Ash you look-" Rhea couldn't finish her sentence. She just stood there, staring.

I can't say I was any better. Rhea had on a black silk pantsuit with nothing under the suit jacket, showing off her cleavage perfectly. She had slicked her hair back too, for the first time in a long time. She did some light face makeup, with her usual eyeliner and black lipstick. Her silver chains glimmered on her neck, draping down perfectly between her breasts. She pulled her hands out of her pockets allowing me to notice the surprisingly really- hot- rings she had on multiple fingers. "Rhea, you look stunning" I said walking closer to her. She just stood there eyeing me up and down, until a knock sounded at our door.

Neither of us moved for a minute, taking in the sheer existence of each other across the room.

"Guys you ready? We gotta go!" Dom said through the door breaking Rhea from her trance.

"Beautiful, Ash. You look beautiful. Ready to go?" She asked reaching her hand out for mine. I grabbed my purse, took her hand and followed her out of the hotel. When we walked though the front doors of the hotel, there was a limo waiting with a driver holding a sign reading "Ripley".

I expected all of us to get into the limo, but once Rhea and I got in, priest came up to the door.

"Have fun, Chicas. Be safe." He said with a wink yet warning tone, shutting the door to the limo.

They weren't coming with us?

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