Chapter 7

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I decided I'd make tonight absolute hell for Rhea. As she started walking out the door, I made a last minute decision.

"Oh, I forgot something. I'll meet you at the elevator" I told Rhea

"Please hurry up, I don't want to be late Ash"

"Whatever, Mami" I said quickly turning around to avoid her reaction. Once the door closed behind me I locked the deadbolt to ensure she wouldn't come back in. Rummaging through my suitcase I found the perfect, dark red lingerie to put under my dress that went perfectly with my leg harness I already had on. The red lacy straps poked out of the top of my dress, but with my leather jacket over it, it wasn't noticeable... unless I wanted it to be.

Quickly running back out to the elevator to meet Rhea, she did not look happy. The elevator came after what seemed like forever.

"Rhea, you okay? Did something happ-"

"Shut up and get in the elevator, princess"
Ooooh no. Ooooh yes... I pissed her off.

We met the guys in front of the hotel, and we all loaded into the "Mami Wagon" as Dom called it. The guys insisted Rhea and I sit up front, so they could look at the menu for the restaurant and decide what they wanted. Something about getting one of a few things so they can try it all? Not Dom, he's sticking with his favorite meal according to him, "Chicken tendies Ash, DUH"

This is where my plan begins. I slowly shifted my legs so my leather harness around my thighs was showing, and I made sure Rhea noticed. When she started squirming in her seat and gripping the steering wheel harder, I knew I was getting to her.

"Can I play some music? I asked Rhea

"Omg Ash yes PLEASE we're so tired of Rheas screamy shit" Finn said from the back seat. Rhea handed me the aux, but was not happy about it.

Phase 2: I played "The Summoning" by Sleep Token

I mean, who didn't find this song hot? I couldn't help but glance at Rhea, who had a.. smirk on her face? This has to be working.. right? Next thing I knew, once the song got to the good part, right as the beat dropped she snaked her hand around the center console where the guys couldn't see, and put a very possessive hand on my thigh.

I took some deep breaths and reminded myself that I was going to be in charge here. I was keeping it together.. until she started squeezing her hand up and down, getting closer to my... you know what? No. I'm in charge.

I grabbed her hand and moved it back to her thigh, squeezing it before bringing my own hand back. I moved my body so I was facing Rhea in the driver seat, my dress riding further up my thigh.

"So Rhea. Tell me about this restaurant we're going to" I asked putting on my most seductive face. And man it worked.

Phase 3: Reel her in.

"It's an Italian restaurant" she said glancing in my direction. I could tell that I was getting to her by the red flush on her face.

"Have you guys heard of it before? Like do they have a famous dish or something" I said putting on my best innocent face.

Rhea glanced to the backseat to make sure the guys weren't paying attention before she spoke, "Keep it up little girl and you'll be getting the Mami special later. That's a threat. Not a promise. You're playing with fire." She whispered.

Oh it's on now.

"Aw how cute. Hey guys, whatcha thinking?" I turned my attention to the back where Priest and Finn chimed in.

"I'm getting the spaghetti bolognese, and Finn is getting the Alfredo so we can split them and share. Wanna look at the menu?" Priest asked handing me his phone.

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